August 2010 Archives
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back
and realize they were the big things.
-Robert Brault
and realize they were the big things.
-Robert Brault
When you think of what makes you happy, do you think of those big milestones and accomplishments? Or do you think of those little things that happen in your everyday life?
So here's the deal: I'm dedicating my blog to those little moments that make me happy. You can share what has made you happy as well!
This week, I was tickled pink by the biscuits and rolls at Bob Evans. They are warm, soft, and just delicious. One bite equals instant happiness. If you've ever eaten a Bob Evans roll or biscuit, you probably understand. If you haven't, then you must try one.
Well, the waitress packed the Styrofoam take-out box with extra rolls and biscuits for my friends and I to take back. Now, we have a Ziploc bag bursting with rolls and biscuits to enjoy over the next week (we had to transfer the rolls into a container where they wouldn't go stale, because that would be disappointing).
Oh, last night I saw a shooting star. It was pretty awesome.
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ErinRhey on A Remixed Fairy Tale Ending!: I love how this is humorous. I