Changing Leaves and Apple Cider

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"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile."

-William Cullen Bryant

It was one of those cool, drizzle-all-day kind of days.  But it was beautiful nonetheless.  Why?  Because the season, my friends, is fall.

It may have been overcast, but the colors of the leaves are are in their prime.  It's a good time to be living in Pennsylvania.

So my question for you is: What could make this fall day even better?

The answer: Apple Cider.

No, even better is hot apple cider.

A couple of friends and I went to an apple festival, where we drank fresh-pressed hot apple cider, complete with a cinnamon stick stir.  It was the perfect thing to warm us up on such a chilly day.

Needless to say, the cider was delicious!  My roommate and I bought an entire gallon of it.  We don't love cider or anything....

Appreciate the leaves, the cool air, and that indescribable smell that comes with fall, because it's only going to be around for a short while!

(Found photo on lori05871's Flikr)

How do you enjoy this wonderful season?


Beth Anne Swartzwelder said:

So true...we've been able to practice outside for softball the past two days and today I realized that it might have been my last chance! Tomorrow's supposed to rain and that's it for our outdoor practices. I made sure to take a second to soak in the last few rays of sunshine before it was in for the winter :)

Kaitlin Monier said:

It's so sad to think the the weather isn't going to be this nice for a long time...but it at least there's a few more nice days to appreciate the sun!

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