I'm glad to know you've stumbled upon my blog

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John Lennon said: "Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted."

This is a bad thing to tell college students.  As if procrastinating wasn't tempting enough, now someone has to go and validate it.

Let me introduce you to my friend, StumbleUpon.  With StumbleUpon, I find myself wasting time, but I enjoy it.  Therefore, it isn't exactly wasting time.

What is StumbleUpon, you ask?  Well, if you haven't been clued into this popular website yet, I shall fill you in.  To use StumbleUpon, you must first create an account.  I apologize—creating an account is more annoying that a polar bear sitting on your lap (because that happens often, I am sure).  When you're all settled into your account, click the "Stumble!" button, and you will be directed to a random web page that could be anywhere on the internet.  It is the perfect procrastination tool!   

Did you know that...

StumbleUpon teaches you things you'd never learn in school, like how screwed up North Korea is.

It allows you to be amused by cool sounds & blinking lights, regardless of how old and 'mature' you are.

It makes you look at the world from a different perspective.

And, of course, it provides videos of cute animals (one can never go wrong with cute animals).

So if you haven't started stumbling yet, today's the day!  And if you already to, just keep stumbling!

What have you stumbled upon?


Patrick Schober said:

StumbleUpon just might be one of the best things on the internet.

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