Take a chance; watch "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"!
I watched "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" after a year of not wanting to watch it. I didn't want to see it for two reasons. One, it's yet another computer animated movie. Two, it would ruin a yet another beloved children's book. Have you seen "The Cat in the Hat" and "The Grinch"? Not good movies.
One night, when I was using my sister's Netflix account, I stumbled upon this movie. I was procrastinating (as usual) and decided to watch it. I had heard that it was a good movie. Did I like it? Well, it was all I talked about the next day, and I watched it again the next night, this time showing my roommate. She liked it too.
Yes, the added story like of an inventor trying to prove himself is a little cliché, but it's entertaining all the same. And of course, the story line is predictable, but what storyline isn't? As long as the hour and a half leading to the end is enjoyable, it doesn't matter if you know where the end will lead. And this movie is enjoyable, especially with its silly moments and quirky characters!
If you were doubting this movie like me, I would suggest you forget everything that makes you not want to watch the movie and just watch it! It will make you smile, feel nostalgic when you see the pancake fall on the school, and you will want to watch it again!
What's your favorite children's book turned movie?
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