Griff's Hazard Yet Forward

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Griffin Sightings

The infamous Griff Hill has been spotted on Seton Hill University’s campus many times within the past two weeks.  Sources are unsure of how long he will be staying or why he is here.


10/22: During the Friday night campfire, Griff was spotted hiding behind a group of students, trembling, as ghost stories were told.


10/23: Griff’s notable laugh could be heard booming off the walls during the comedian's act on Saturday evening.  Guffaw!  Guffaw!


10/25: One student claimed that Griff will not stop raving about Spring Thing, the annual spring carnival.  And circulating rumors say that Griff has already bought his ticket for the spring play.


10/28: Griff was seen at the football game, cheering on the Griffins and enjoying the game from the sidelines.


10/29: Griff has been hitting the McKenna gym much more often this year, he must be training for a 5K or something!


11/1: It has been reported that Griff likes to enjoy a late night snack in the Griffin’s Cove on campus.


11/2: A close friend of Griff disclosed that he cannot put down his iPad.  He downloads apps daily, his favorite being the Seton Hill University app.

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November 2010

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