- 2010.12.01: HTML, Web Portfolios, Templates, and more HTML
- 2010.11.30: Top Four Disney Movies of the 90's
- 2010.11.29: Writing rhymes the fun way!
- 2010.11.26: I've been there!
- 2010.11.17: Site Map
- 2010.11.11: Linking blog entries, creating a video for the internet, and the convenience of the Twitter community
- 2010.11.04: The story begins....
- 2010.11.02: Griff's Hazard Yet Forward
- 2010.10.29: Don't miss another sunrise
- 2010.10.21: I'm glad to know you've stumbled upon my blog
- 2010.10.17: Blog Portfolio the Second asks, "What is creativity?"
- 2010.10.17: Take a chance; watch "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"!
- 2010.10.13: A toast to you, words.
- 2010.10.06: A Remixed Fairy Tale Ending!
- 2010.10.04: Changing Leaves and Apple Cider
- 2010.09.27: Stink bugs DO NOT make me happy.
- 2010.09.16: Dear Portfolio 1, You've taught me that blogging can be welcoming, and questions are a blogger's BFF.
- 2010.09.16: Today was a rainy day...
- 2010.09.16: Reunion with a long lost friend
- 2010.09.10: Leo bloomed!
- 2010.08.31: I'm Tickled Pink by Bob Evans' Biscuits
- 2009.12.07: Portfolio 4: Bring on the cookies we're done with blogging! (For now...)
- 2009.12.07: A newsletter's news
- 2009.12.07: Online resources for news article about theft on campus
- 2009.12.01: The press needs freedom
- 2009.11.20: Clear, but somewhat awkward
- 2009.11.20: Cluttered
- 2009.11.15: Not admitting there's no story
- 2009.11.15: Water on the Moon, Links in a News Story
- 2009.11.15: Informative visuals
- 2009.11.13: A maestro's hair
- 2009.11.11: Portfolio 3: Applying skills outside of a fifty minute class
- 2009.11.11: Reflection on objectivity
- 2009.11.11: Not fit to wear the investigative trench coat
- 2009.11.10: Diversity is a qualification
- 2009.11.04: But the bad news is more newsworthy!
- 2009.10.26: Dear Public, there are other ways to learn besides taking classes
- 2009.10.24: Possible breaking news
- 2009.10.24: Bridge-to-be
- 2009.10.20: Journalists should rely on themselves, not historians
- 2009.10.13: Sources make for a more credible argument
- 2009.10.09: Portfolio 2: Still learning...
- 2009.10.09: Fitting into Skinny Jeans while eating cupcakes
- 2009.10.08: Following Breaking News 3
- 2009.10.06: Following Breaking News 2
- 2009.10.05: Following Breaking News 1
- 2009.09.30: Comparing Front Covers: Taxis, Parrots, Veiled faces, and Jet-skis
- 2009.09.28: Quotes out of context is worse than misquoting
- 2009.09.28: Tone, minus the opinions
- 2009.09.22: Writing with a sense of place in journalism too
- 2009.09.20: Two crime articles, both a little pointless
- 2009.09.20: Why do we report crime?
- 2009.09.17: Portfolio 1: Starting to learn
- 2009.09.17: The peanut butter and jelly of pitching a story
- 2009.09.17: Only 16 words?!
- 2009.09.17: Spice up a lead with unique information
- 2009.09.16: Writing shorter paragraphs is harder than it seems
- 2009.09.16: Student struck by car, package stolen as driver helped student
- 2009.09.15: Differences in plunging buses
- 2009.09.15: Bus plunge in Cuba versus in Timbuktu
- 2009.09.13: Fixing mistakes
- 2009.09.13: Quote of the Day!
- 2009.09.11: Active language adds Pizazz!
- 2009.09.08: The News and I reflections
- 2009.09.08: Clear and Concise.
- 2009.09.06: Really? Because I don't care.
- 2009.09.04: The News and I
- 2009.09.03: To make up for the lack quotes from the dead.
- 2009.09.02: Why are notable people more newsworthy?
- 2009.09.02: Too happy, but still informative
- 2009.09.01: Differences in structure create a different focus
- 2009.09.01: Famous people are still human, and profiles can remind us of that
- 2009.08.31: Convincinly Real
- 2009.08.31: Drama, drama, drama.
- 2009.08.27: This is one of the many reasons why I turn the TV off.
- 2009.08.26: Fluff instead of fact, why bother?
- 2009.08.25: Bloated turkeys and oozing sores: The interesting and the unnecessary
- 2009.08.25: Boring stories and misleading headlines... what fun.
- 2008.09.05: I Like Jokes & Riddles!
- 2008.05.05: Last But Not Least- FINAL BLOG PORTFOLIO
- 2008.05.05: Trouble Rhyming?
- 2008.04.23: Humor in Tragedy: It Does Exist
- 2008.04.22: Prose = Free Verse, Free Verse = Prose
- 2008.04.22: Ender's Ending Could Not Have Been Better!
- 2008.04.20: Freedom in Sonnets
- 2008.04.20: Ender's Games are as Real as Ender
- 2008.04.16: Ender's Experiences Are Our Experiences
- 2008.04.16: Trial and Error in Paper Writing
- 2008.04.10: Urban Dictionary Terms
- 2008.04.10: Scanning Is Important After All
- 2008.04.09: Sideshow Kangaroo
- 2008.04.08: Narrative Pace & Goldilocks: Too Hot, Too Cold- Just Right.
- 2008.04.04: Keeping the Public in Mind: Portfolio 2
- 2008.04.04: Brits vs. Americans
- 2008.04.04: Exclamation Mark Creates Tone
- 2008.04.01: No Comma Before the AND... Not for Me.
- 2008.04.01: Commas Add Style
- 2008.03.29: Babie's ----> Baby's
- 2008.03.29: Using Correct Grammar is Essential in Communication
- 2008.03.16: The Pole's Crucifixion
- 2008.03.13: "Chose Your Own Scare" in Second Person POV!
- 2008.03.13: Hulga and the Boy are Two Peas in a Pod
- 2008.03.11: Desmond's "Flannery O'Connor's Misfit and the Mystery of Evil"
- 2008.03.11: Laverne Knows
- 2008.03.06: To Teach or Not to Teach- That is the Question
- 2008.03.04: Who Said Writing Is Easy?
- 2008.03.03: Background Does Not Determine A Person's Success
- 2008.03.03: That's Not Enough To Live Off Of
- 2008.03.03: Nobody Goes Back To School? Of Course They Do!
- 2008.03.01: Old People Sure Are... Special
- 2008.02.27: Lost an Arm in the Arm Services.
- 2008.02.27: Born Too Late
- 2008.02.26: Snowball and Napoleon Love Allegories!
- 2008.02.26: Name Stealer
- 2008.02.24: Portfolio 1 (Sorry for the Lack of a Better Title)
- 2008.02.24: In the End, a Good Man?
- 2008.02.21: Influences
- 2008.02.21: Falstaff the Fool
- 2008.02.19: Frenglish
- 2008.02.18: Hair Like Wire? Sounds... Pretty.
- 2008.02.18: Sympathy for Death? It Didn't Last Long.
- 2008.02.17: "Freezing Lips"
- 2008.02.17: Stages in Life
- 2008.02.16: Birds
- 2008.02.13: Unique Ideas
- 2008.02.13: Happiness and Illness
- 2008.02.12: Symbolism for the Reader, Not Only the Writer
- 2008.02.12: Misleading Wake-Up Calls
- 2008.02.07: Stories of Trains, Hospitals and Baseball Fields.
- 2008.02.06: A Really Long Short Story, a Really Short Book, or a Happy Medium?
- 2008.02.06: Geography Really DOES Matter
- 2008.02.05: Clues in the Kitchen
- 2008.02.03: Bernice's Bad Bob
- 2008.02.03: True Originality
- 2008.01.27: Seton Hill University Academic Weblog
- 2007.11.04: You have to eat the Cheez-Its....
- 2007.11.04: You decide to ride the unicorn....
- 2007.11.04: You decide to continue walking....
- 2007.11.04: You decide to run away with everyone else....
- 2007.11.04: You decide to keep walking....
- 2007.11.04: You decide to examine the object....
- 2007.11.04: You decide to hide in the sewer....
Recent Comments
Jenni McGee on Top Four Disney Movies of the 90's: I love all 4 of the movies you
Kaitlin Monier on Site Map: I used Microsoft paint to make
Patrick Sheffler on Site Map: How did you format your site m
Ethan Shepley on Writing rhymes the fun way!: Hey DJ, Have you ever read The
DJ Beckage on Writing rhymes the fun way!: That's awesome and I really ha
DJ Beckage on Writing rhymes the fun way!: That's awesome! HAHAHA And I
Kaitlin Monier on Writing rhymes the fun way!: Haha, this is what happens whe
Kelly on Writing rhymes the fun way!: Wow, this is awesome. This cou
Ethan Shepley on Writing rhymes the fun way!: Cat-squirrels working as priva