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October 10, 2005

SHU Theatre Performs “Fuddy Meers”

Ex 0-1: Entertainment/Sports Writing

SHU Theatre Performs “Fuddy Meers”

Production of Seton Hill University’s Fuddy Meers by David Lindsey-Abaire begun on Friday and will continue through the 15th of October. Exact dates and time vary but all performances are held in Reeves Theatre. Denise Pullen, assistant professor of theatre, directs the play.

Fuddy Meers is a dark comedy that centers around Claire, a mentally traumatized woman whose memory erases itself every night. One typical morning, a man in a ski mask emerges from underneath her bed with a message that she’s in danger.

From then on Claire’s journeys to discover the memories she’s forgotten and the cause of her amnesia. Other characters include her good-natured husband with a shady past, her stroke-victim mother who speaks in a jumbled language, a druggie teenaged son, a criminal cop, and a strange man who carries a foul-mouthed puppet.

“I thought the play was funny and energetic. There were a lot of good scenes and great lines. I thought the actors did a really great job portraying their characters,” said freshmen Sarah Slates. “The guy with the puppet was hilarious and he did such a good job with the voice.”

The student cast list is as follows: Steven Clemens as Richard; Adrian Concha as Kenny; Miquel Doby as Heidi; Adrienne Fischer as Claire; Jeffrey Gettemy as Limping Man; Jonathan P. Stewart as Millet; and Jamie Lynn Williams as Gertie.

“The cast was perfect. They couldn’t have cast it better,” said freshmen Nicole Vaccaro, who was part of the production’s costume crew. “It was choreographed really well too. Even in the scenes where everyone was running into each other, nobody actually ran into each other.”

“My favorite scene is the one when everyone is running around the kitchen shouting at each other, threatening each other, and stabbing things and pointing guns at people. It doesn't sound like it would be very funny, but when you are trying to take all that is going on on-stage, the pure pandemonium is delightful to watch,” said freshmen Lorin Schumacher.

“I’d definitely recommend the play to other SHU students. Even after you watch it, you think about it and laugh,” said Vaccaro.

Posted by Kayla Sawyer at October 10, 2005 11:41 PM


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