April 13, 2005

a poem for a gained angel

death gotta be easy cuz life is hard
it will leave physically,mentally,emotionally scared
the thorns of life disoriented me when all five went over the bridge
now i have an angel watching over me cuz of where you've reached
the 12 of us were like blood brothers
and couldn't be separated by no others
3 years seems like yesterday
and yesterday like forever
even though we'll all die someday
i thought your death would be kept at bay
till the we got our retirement pay
and enjoy the fruits of labor in a special way
death has done us part
but I'll always have you in my heart.
till we meet again

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at April 13, 2005 09:51 PM | TrackBack

is this one of shakespears poems

Posted by: ashley page at December 4, 2005 05:47 PM

hey check it out

Posted by: staceymarsh at April 18, 2006 04:04 PM

there is no barriers for love, or at least we think so,but this poem gets rid of all kind of doubts

Posted by: juan castaņon el paso texas at May 28, 2006 03:14 PM
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