April 28, 2005

you dont want to die

Coming from a very healthy family can…cer is a very distant mystery. Losing close ones to can….cer has to be a very devastating episode. From asking the question why me, to anger then frustration, eventually freedom which is just another word for nothing to lose. Life is the big city where six feet under is an eventuality. Slow, painful and sure crossing over has to be the worst type of torment a human can experience. Physically, mentally and emotionally are all they ways you would be siphoned. Life without these hardship wont make us stronger, perhaps will be like cry babies every time we cut a finger. A moment of silence for all who have succumbed to the force of this dis- ease

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at April 28, 2005 03:35 PM | TrackBack
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