February 25, 2005

bernice's boiling point

. The popularity that Bernice got turned her cousin against her. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Bernice was tired of Marjorie games and manipulative behavior. Burning inside her was the rage a wounded animal in the jungle. She decided to take matter into her own hand. It was time to stand up for herself and fight back.
In the middle of the night, she picked up her pen and paper and started a note addressed to Mrs. Harvey telling her why she was leaving without saying goodbye. She grabbed and bags and headed stealthily toward the manipulators room-Marjorie. Once in there, she amputated her braids at the point closet to her head. Carefully she made sure she felt no pressure exerted by the pull. She had done. She had stood up for herself and revenged her humiliation and said right before she walked out “scalp the selfish thing"

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 01:13 PM | Comments (0)

valor of nick

Confronting a man equivalent to the incredible hulk about the love for he had for his wife and vice versa required war-like valor. Jay saw nothing but hypocrisy in Tom. He couldn’t understand why daisy would stay with such a cheater when he could give her what she wanted financially and that also came with monogamous relationship. At the hotel when they exchanged word, “daisy’s leaving you”-Gatsby, “nonsense” retorted tom. Jay was willing to prove his love to daisy in front of the world including her husband.

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 01:11 PM | Comments (0)

plot for daisy

Nick caraway friendship to his neighbor-Gatsby, in the early chapter depicted the relationship as manipulative from both side. Gatsby showed more interest in nick because of his accessibility to daisy. The plan was for nick to invite daisy to his house and simultaneously have jay there too. On daisy’s arrival, nick’s part would be over and Gatsby would take over but before that “tell your chauffer to go away and spend an hour” nick told daisy and she responded “come back in an hour, ferdie”. This was part of the coup d’ete to tried to win daisy over. The next step in trying to rekindle their relationship was to show her his mansion. Impressing her with his wealth was imperative. He wanted her to feel he was financially capable of taking care of her for the rest of her life. Tom was daisy’s husband and a very wealthy man. Also, he was Gatsby competition

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 01:10 PM | Comments (0)

February 08, 2005

jury of her peer

If a woman cries rape,she is asked who rape her, if a man cries rape, he is asked who did he rape. this is not to say females are necessarily inferior but, stereotype point a murder at a myterious man first, rather than the wife of a sheriff. The innocence and secondary role of women jumps out at me after reading they jury of her peer. snapping the neck of a canary doesnt equate the taking of a life.

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 09:53 AM | Comments (1)

February 07, 2005

majoire and bernice

outcast,deceit,humiliation,revenge- these are the different facet of emotions that bernice went trough in my opinion. the threat of majoire popularity brought out the worst in her. she was already satan on earth. manipulative and deceitful. she was a genius at getting what she wanted from people.she could have used those qualities to do more productive things. i hate to say this but,she was a good judge of character.this gave her the eagle eye to seek out prey and be the predator.in this case warren and bernice were they prey even though bernice turned out be a snake by cutting her hair while she was sleeping.

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 06:31 PM | Comments (0)