You have to remove the speck in your own eyes before you tried to take out others. how can a Christian woman be judgmental.
Women are more venerable to let there emotion take over their sex lives or life in general. I think the situation with blanche is what we see everyday.
the brooklyn bridge
jury of her peer
my father moves through dooms of love
If a woman cries rape,she is asked who rape her, if a man cries rape, he is asked who did he rape. this is not to say females are necessarily inferior but, stereotype point a murder at a myterious man first, rather than the wife of a sheriff. The innocence and secondary role of women jumps out at me after reading they jury of her peer. snapping the neck of a canary doesnt equate the taking of a life.
This was a rather complicated poem. I saw a dark side of her. Death was the dark side. She talked about it through out the poem. The death of her dad might have affected her a great deal. In one of my peer’s blogs I read that she was mentally ill and attempted suicide. She poured her heart into this poem it showed when she told us how she wanted to die when she was twenty.
I think she was some kind of mistress would was in charge of the weapons for a solider. Seemed to me she had the power to take his life because she new his strength and weakness. Almost like Samson in the bible.
On my first reading I felt that a woman sang a song while the birds where singing and this distorted the beauty of their song. Since the innocence of the bird’s song was contaminated with the human voice it would never be the same again.
The Predicament of daisy and frustration of the sheriff’s wife was the deadly potion young woman was faced with which eventually led to the death of her husband. She had to marry just because she was a woman. This thought process reflects the time period when women were supposed to be committed to a man because they were getting too old and no one would want them. Her mother told her that love amounted to nothing that her potential husband would cloth her and pay the bills. Many marriages during this period happened because of status rather than love. Those who married because of love were usually the lower class people. They had nothing to hide and no status to protect. A lot of reference was made to the Spanish communities more so the language. It could have been due to the fact that a lot of Mexicans were in the united state and they were being repatriated back to Mexico. Americans were also in Mexico like young man. They were the cause of the great depressions some Americans believed.
Nostalgic feeling overwhelmed me. I can relate to this poem because that’s how I feel about my father. The poem seemed to be a tribute to her father. He was a man of wisdom and was able to raise his head above water where ever his was. She thought he was the perfect man “his anger was as right as rain”
“His pity was as green as grain
Death, fear, sadness were the initial feelings, anger and cowardly thought followed. This poem was a patriotic one. Showed the resolve of America like Mr. Hypocrite Bush would say. That event truly united America for a while. It also put a full stop of world activities as the world mourned.
Deciphering this poem was stressful to my brain. I probably aged 20 years in a half hour. The title-the Brooklyn Bridge was my tool used to decoding the message of the poem.
I think it talks about a man, preferably derrick or any one for that matter. It depicets crossing into reality through the bridge. Reuniting with family and starting life after the bridge. He met with success beyond the bridge through the American dream. Night turns to day and another work day start. It was all about work you had to find yourself. Ones demise is evitable after a long journey