April 28, 2005

you dont want to die

Coming from a very healthy family can…cer is a very distant mystery. Losing close ones to can….cer has to be a very devastating episode. From asking the question why me, to anger then frustration, eventually freedom which is just another word for nothing to lose. Life is the big city where six feet under is an eventuality. Slow, painful and sure crossing over has to be the worst type of torment a human can experience. Physically, mentally and emotionally are all they ways you would be siphoned. Life without these hardship wont make us stronger, perhaps will be like cry babies every time we cut a finger. A moment of silence for all who have succumbed to the force of this dis- ease

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 03:35 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 27, 2005

The Farmer's children

1949 was the time period of the story. Little boys were given what would be consider adult jobs. My first reaction to this story was that the parents were irresponsible both the steps mom and the father. Then I also thought that the boys should never have been sent out without a blanket or the knitted gloves. Considering the time, little boys were expected to do things like that and act like men way before they could decide right from wrong. Kicking the bucket through the wrath of winter was probably what happened. Judd shouldn’t receive the blame for anything that happened to the little boys because the family should have been more responsible and caring.

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 07:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 21, 2005

the day my country cried

The shadow of death was upon us, our Country
was attack by cowardly terrorist.
When the "Capital Of The World" was taken by
surprise. When most of our brothers and
sisters where on there way to work, smoke and
thunder covered the city.
Heartless crimal minds killed our people for
no reason at all.
Dont think will go quite into the night and
hide, for we will find you and bring whos
responsible for justice, may God forgive you
and have mercy on your soul, myself as an
American cant...
Today is a brand new day and together, will
help one another, soon our flag will fly high
and our Nation will recover, then We the
people, We the Country with honor will
reclaim "Our Independence Day".
God Bless America....

Illeana Villafana

Copyright ©2005 Illeana Villafana

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 06:03 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

birthday song

Leon Markowicz (1940– )

The canary yellow envelope at mail call
aroused the other seminarians,
“What’s the occasion?”
“Ya got me,” I lied and peeked in at
two Mallards landing
on a Blessed Virgin blue
pond with a largemouth bass
leaping to greet them
under the swirling script
in the sky—
Happy Birthday
To A Wonderful Son—
the only reminder that
tomorrow, just another
day in the sem,
was my birthday,
the seventh since any celebration
with Mom and Sarah, my sister,
the seventh away from Winthrop Street
in Detroit, half a continent west,
my third birthday
with my new family
the Congregation of the Holy Ghost
whom I adopted with vows of
poverty, chastity, obedience
a family but
no gifts, not even a handkerchief,
no three-layer cake
lathered with angel-white icing,
lipstick-red roses,
first slice for the birthday boy,
no candles, family, friends to sing
Happy Birthday to You

© Leon Markowicz

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 04:37 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 14, 2005

New found respect

Your demeanor is as cool the winter
Your heart is as strong as a fortress
Talking with you elevated my stress
Though in a appreciated way
Death of your sibling translates into an angel for you
That’s why you live your life so true
Water is a gift from god
But the surfeit of your life it was all hoard
Dead bodies are dead bodies
Normal in the life and eyes of a Rwandan
But a nightmare in the eyes of a human
An hour of conversation with you
Gave me a new found respect for you.
Lanre kayode

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 08:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

April 13, 2005

a poem for a gained angel

death gotta be easy cuz life is hard
it will leave physically,mentally,emotionally scared
the thorns of life disoriented me when all five went over the bridge
now i have an angel watching over me cuz of where you've reached
the 12 of us were like blood brothers
and couldn't be separated by no others
3 years seems like yesterday
and yesterday like forever
even though we'll all die someday
i thought your death would be kept at bay
till the we got our retirement pay
and enjoy the fruits of labor in a special way
death has done us part
but I'll always have you in my heart.
till we meet again

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 09:51 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

April 07, 2005

the best girlfriend you never had

“It took me less than half a baseball season to discover my oversight: Gordon had a jealous streak as vicious as a heat seeking missile, and could make a problem out of a paper bag.” This was just one of her relationship. Pretty strong words to express the effect of jealous can have on relationship. Occasionally when it gets out of control it leads to death or violence. Every single channel you turn to nowadays you would see a weight loss program. Women are pressed to be skinned with fake bosoms and usually end-up with a broken heart. They do these things to impress their men and still don’t get the result they want. That’s unfortunate.

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 05:50 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

the half-skinned steer

For animal lovers you need to turn and read another blog because I am about to tell you my experience. It’s not too graphic though. All my life, at least for 18 years I always saw the meal I was going to eat alive three hour before it was meal time. Whether it was a cow, turkey, goat or chicken. I didn’t think the story was that gruesome. Life on a ranch seems to be pretty boring to me. Couldn’t do it. I also think it funny that an emu is a convicted murderer.

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 05:19 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

April 06, 2005

you are ugly too

Familiarity breed contempt can be the perfect description of what happened between Zoë and her student. The words in italics all talked about her features and behavior. Lorrie Moore might be thinking that there was something wrong with her disposition and decided to put it in italics. I saw Bernice in Zoë in the sense that she bore men to the point of sorrow with her choice of clothes and conversational topics.
“I think I’m to old.” Is a sign of insecurity. She probably feels like no one like her. Age is a sensitive topic among women. She wanted a kid so she made love secretly. How can you make love secretly? I guess she was trying different men to see if she could get pregnant and have a kid. Sign of loneliness? Maybe.

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 10:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack


Nigger is offensive word to the African American race when it spelt like that. It is an acknowledgement to a fellow comrade when it spelt like this-nigga. It was used in racist form in the Greenleaf. Mrs. May was the owner of a farm house inherited from her late husband. She felt she gave the Greenleaf family a source of income when no one else would give them the time of day. Her thought of the Greenleaf boys were high compared to her sons who she thought had no respect and couldn’t wait till she died. That to me seems she had issues. Mr. Greenleaf was a brave man in his own right. He conveyed to Mrs. May that he thought both her sons were nincompoops. Seemed Wesley had a profound hate from his mom. “I wouldn’t milk a cow to save your soul from hell.” Distance I also notice was a very important sign of respect especially for the white in those days. “They stopped about six feet from the automobile and stood looking at her.” The blacks were not supposed to be to close to the whites. “Facing a jury of Greenleaf’s’.” That was the funniest line of the whole story. They had a lot of kids. Mrs. May was a tough woman and don’t think she deserved to die. Didn’t think she was racist either. any one think she did?

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 10:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

here we are

The jitters of marriage come into play in the story. Only three hours into the marriage and its falling apart. Marriage is a big step in anyone’s life be it Chinese or not. They have the same problem but it doesn’t usually end up in divorce like 50% of marriages in the United States. I think there was justifiable reason why she was paranoid about her marriage. Her husband tried to divert her negative thinking and focus it on the life they have ahead of them particularly the honeymoon. “Well, she was certainly a knock-out at the wedding.” That comment definitely didn’t help the situation. He was checking out another woman at his wedding it seemed. When you are married that means you also get married to your spouse’s family. She had the notion that her husband didn’t like her family. women-do like to be told that you are loved and is it necessary?

Posted by OlanrewajuKayode at 09:21 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack