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Responsibility lies on both sides

Lemire, I'm an English Major: Now What? (Intro & Ch 1) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)

"My biggest mistake was believing that everything I needed to know, I would learn in school[...]Unfortunately, I didn't develop the initiative to make and find my own challenges and thus take charge of my education. I was passive."

I agree that college is not enough to prepare a person for the real world. You have to be able to come up with your own individual system of functioning in order to make the career choices you need to make in the real world. However, I also think that colleges ought do more career counseling and give you more of a feel for what the job market is like for people in your field, especially for a major as broad as English.

Comments (1)

I hope that reading this book is a great step in the right direction. SHU has a great career counseling program, and I have seen students end up with excellent internships on campus and off. There are plenty of resources available, but it all comes down to Lemire's suggestion -- be active, not passive. (You sound like you've already internalized that lesson. Great!)

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