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With great power comes great responsibility

Schackner, ''Freedom of speech redefined by blogs'' -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"Soon, the author himself was responding all the way from England, pledging to re-examine an upcoming edition given her critique."

This is mind-boggling; to think that the very authors you are criticizing might see what you are writing about them gives you much more of a sense of power and responsibility. I certainly would never want to put anything too personal or insulting on anything I blogged because it is very visible. I think you have to maintain the utmost degree of respectfulness when you're writing these things.

Comments (2)

Peter Parker is a wise man... I love that quote.

I agree that being respectful of others is vitally important if you want others to respect you. Certainly there is nothing wrong with posting a thoughtful opinion that states why you didn't like such-and-such a book, but personal insults or wild guesses is a bit over the line. I have developed a particular blogging voice that I use when I'm very conscious that what I write will be archived for years and years; my in-class teaching persona is a bit more freewheeling.

Lou Gagliardi:

It was uncle ben that said that quote to Peter Parker, by the way.

But I agree with everything Dr. Jerz said.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 24, 2007 6:48 PM.

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