Here is my blog portfolio for EL 150. I've never blogged before, and I'm surprised how much I've gotten into it. Blogs are amazing in that they allow our class to have long discussions that we would never have had time to have in class, so I feel like I get a lot more out of the readings than I would normally.
Here are my blog entries for all the readings we've had in our class so far.
I'm an English Major, Now What? Intro-ch1
"Freedom of Speech Redefined by Blogs"
Foster 1-3, 5
"Bernice Bobs Her Hair" (Also a Depth Entry)
Foster 19, 20
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
Foster Ch 12, Interlude
"A Good Man Is Hard to Find"
Foster 6-9, 11, 14 (Also a Discussion and a Depth Entry)
Hamilton, 1-31 (Also a Discussion and a Depth Entry)
Hamilton, 112-149
"The Machine Stops" (Also a Discussion and a Depth Entry)
Everyman (Also a Discussion Entry)
Hamilton, 68-97 (Also a Discussion Entry)
Hamilton, 98-111, 150-166 (Also a Discussion Entry)
"The River" (Also a Depth Entry)
"To Build a Fire" (Also a Depth Entry)
Hamilton, 32-67
"Short Stories: 10 Tips"
A second one for Everyman (An Interaction and a Depth Entry)
All of these Coverage Entries, except for the second Everyman blog, are timely as well.
Here are some examples of Xenoblogging (comments I left on other people's blogs).
Chera's blog on "The Machine Stops"
Chera's blog on Hamilton, 112-149
Kayla's blog on "The River"
Last but not least, my wildcard blog entry is my blog on "Bernice Bobs Her Hair." It's an early assignment, but it represents all the excitement that I get whenever I can come up with a theory or a connection between readings that I don't think has been addressed in other people's blogs. When I'm at my blogging best, I come up with original ideas that help spark further discussion.
That's all my blogs so far. Hopefully, they'll only get better from here!