Lemire (skim Ch 2-7) -- Jerz: EL150 (Intro to Literary Study)
"Depending on what kind of work you're doing (and the amount of work you're getting), you could hold a part-time job and still be a freelance writer or editor. If you don't mind work, you could hold a full-time job and do freelance editing at night and on the weekends."
When I read this, I knew freelancing could possibly be an option for me. I will always be an actor (even if not actually hired as one), and if I want to also be a writer, it's going to be hard to have a full-time job at a magazine or publishing firm or something when I'm also in rehearsals for professional productions. The two jobs kind of complement each other, because as an actor you're perpetually freelancing, unless you happen to be a pretty solid regular on a soap opera. I don't think I'll be freaked out by having to "scare up" my own work or doing work at home (at least not in the years immediately following college). I'm majoring in theatre; I'm not settling in for any kind of cushy structured lifestyle anyway.