Here are some blog entries that I wrote for my reading assignments in my Intro to Literary Study class at Seton Hill University. I've never blogged before this class, but the more I've done it, the more I've gotten into it. Blogs are dangerously addictive. Like semicolons. (You'll understand when you read my blog on Eats, Shoots & Leaves.)
Here are my coverage entries for my reading assignments. All of these are timely.
Poetry Selections This one is also a Discussion entry.
Poems: Short But Effective
Poetry Is For the Ear Also a Depth, Discussion, and Interaction entry.
Essential Literary Terms (198-225)
I'm an English Major, Now What? (Ch. 2-7) Also a Depth and a Discussion entry.
Second one for I'm an English...
Essential Literary Terms (226-246) Also a Depth and a Discussion entry.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves #1 Also a Depth entry.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves #2 Also a Discussion entry.
Eats, Shoots & Leaves #3
The Life You Save May Be Your Own Also a Depth, Discussion, and Interaction entry.
A Stroke of Good Fortune Also a Discussion and a Depth entry.
Flannery O'Connor's Misfit and the Mystery of Evil Also a Depth and a Discussion entry.
A Circle in the Fire Also a Discussion entry.
Good Country People Also a Discussion entry.
The Displaced Person Also a Depth and a Discussion entry.
Now here is some xenoblogging (comments I left on peers' blogs).
Hallie's blog on Poetry Selections
Chera's blog on Poems: Short But Effective
Jenna's blog on Essential Literary Terms (226-246)
Now here is my wildcard entry: I felt that my blog on Flannery O'Connor's Misfit and the Mystery of Evil was one of my best blogs during the past couple months because it shows how my thoughts on a short story have developed since the beginning of class when I first read it. Reading a scholarly article about A Good Man Is Hard to Find helped me analyze the story even more to think about why O'Connor might have wanted the Misfit to be a Christ figure rather than just simply picking up on the fact that he could be considered one.
So that's my blogging for this class so far. I must confess that it's actually becoming sort of fun. I confess, I'm hooked. I'll have to go to blogging rehab now.