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An actor plays the role of news reporter

This is a portfolio of all of the blogging I have done about reading assigments for my Newswriting class at Seton Hill about a quarter of the way through the semester. I am very new at news, so it's been exciting to learn about a world of writing that I haven't even begun to explore.

Coverage (a list of all the blogs for each reading)
The front page of the Tribune Review
America's Best Newswriting, pages 287-294
"Famous Person Has Died" comic strip
WTAE Newscast
Onion, "Something Is Happening in Haiti"
Byron, "What Local Stations Don't Want You to Know"
America's Best Newswriting, pages 164-174
English essay vs. News story
Profile article by Halle Stockton
America's Best Newswriting, pages 70-72
The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting, chapters 1 and 2
Profile article by John W. Cox
America's Best Newswriting, pages 294-302
AP Style Tips
Comparison of bus plunge articles
"The Rise and Fall of the 'Bus Plunge' Story"
The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting, chapter 3
The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting, chapter 4
"Newsroom politics: Pitching a story"

Depth (blog entries that examine the reading in depth)
Comparison of bus plunge articles
America's Best Newswriting, pages 294-302
The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting, chapters 1 and 2
Byron, "What Local Stations Don't Want You to Know"

Interaction (blogs that include interaction with my peers)
Onion, "Something Is Happening in Haiti"
Profile article by John W. Cox

Discussion (blogs that generated numerous comments from my peers)
Profile article by John W. Cox
America's Best Newswriting, pages 294-302
"The Rise and Fall of the 'Bus Plunge' Story"
Comparison of bus plunge articles

Most of my blogs were timely. "Newsroom politics: Pitching a story" and The Associated Press Guide to Newswriting, chapter 4, the two most recent blog entries, are the least timely because they were written the morning before class.

Xenoblogging (comments that I left on peers' blogs)
Josie Rush's blog on bus plunges
Angela Palumbo's blog on the Dr. Seuss profile piece
Jennifer Prex's blog on the "Famous Person Has Died" comic strip
Derek Tickle's blog on "English Essay vs. News Story"

I think my blogs on "Newsroom politics: Pitching a story" and America's Best Newswriting, pages 294-302 are pretty representative of my blogging. Because I'm so new to newswriting, I have a tendency to compare a lot of the information with a world I'm more familiar with, theatre (almost to an annoying degree). I think relating the readings to certain aspects of theatre has helped me understand them better, though.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 18, 2009 8:34 AM.

The previous post in this blog was God, I hope I get it!.

The next post in this blog is Short but Sweet and Contradictory Statements.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.