January 31, 2005

Bernice Bobs Her Hair

In my response to Fitzgerald's, Bernice Bobs Her Hair I noticed mostly the social differences which were included in the movie as well as the reading. In both readings, Bernice Bobs Her Hair and A Jury of Her Peers, the men have the upper hand over the women. The men had more important jobs such as investing crime scenes in, A Jury of Her Peers. While reading these stories, it seemed to me that the women were looked at as the classical "home-maker; kitchen type mothers and individuals." In both of these stories, the women played important roles which impacted their actions in the end. Bernice, forced into becoming conformed to her cousin, Marjories appearance and personality standards, reacts with rage toward the end of the story. This is an interesting fact because women today, still are not always treated equally to the way men are. How many women carpenters or automotive workers do you see today working in those fields? Those are jobs men are looked at doing moreover women. Women are still looked at to manage the house and take care of the children. Of course there are men today who take care of their children and still manage to hold a full time job, however, most of society today is still focused on ways of the past. In the short story, A Jury of Her Peers is another example where women were thought of as "meant to belong in the kitchen." The two women who kept in the house while the men were investigating clues outside, where actually progressing more clues and answers to the murder than the men. Which goes to show, women have the ablilty to participate in the same tasks as the men.

Posted by MelissaBerg at 08:41 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

A Jury of Her Peers

I found Susan Glaspells's short story, A Jury of Her Peers attention grabbing and full of suspense. Throughout this short story a few lines caught my attention, talking about "things not finished, or half undone." I liked how Glaspell first introduced Martha Hale into the story by explaining how her kitchen was in no shape for leaving. She explains, "her bread all ready for mixing, half the flour sifted and half unsifted." Reading further into the story, later Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters were searching through the Wrights kitchen and came across a "half finished kitchen." I found this interesting how Glaspell related Mrs. Wrights kitchen compared to Mrs. Hales. I wasnt sure if that had any meaning to reasoning to the story, however, i found it appealing. The words "a person gets discouraged and loses heart," caught my eye in this short story. Comparing A Jury of Her Peers to Bernice Bobs Her Hair, by Fitzgerald, this theme could also relate. In A Jury of Her Peers, we see this happening to Mrs. Wright who has been a victim of an abusive relationship, where she chooses to perform irrational choices. We see this also happening in the short story, Bernice Bobs Her Hair, where Marjorie forces Bernice to become more social and interactive. Whereas, Bernice's decisions overcome her intuition which cause her to act foolishly.

Posted by MelissaBerg at 07:39 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

January 30, 2005

Dream to make believe

Posted by MelissaBerg at 06:35 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack