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January 31, 2006


As I read they play I realized that the police were after Mrs.Wright foir the kiiing of her husband. Oddly enough Mrs. Peters wish she would have visited Mr. Wright more often then she had. I think her friends know as well but are not coming out saying anything to Mrs. Wright or the Sheriff, because they can just be as guilty for not telling the truth. The women keep trying to look for clues but seem to be haveing a hard time getting any luck. Quite an interesting play.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 09:06 PM | Comments (1)

January 30, 2006

On "Dessert Places"

"What inner desert it reprsents, of course, goes with him, and, as "Stopping by Woods" remind us, we must go- move, do- if we are to be."

This quote reminds me of there are things in life that we are not always sure about, but we must go and attempt the things that we are unsure about and may not even like. There are things that we have to do as a person that may help in making each and everyone of us a better person. Have no fear attempt the things that you would normally not do. The risk could be in your favor.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 09:27 PM | Comments (1)

The World Trade Center

"Until that Friday afternoon in February
When the bomb went off and the buildings became
A great symbol of America, like the Statue
Of Liberty at the end of Hitchcock's Saboteur.
My whole attitude toward the World Trade Center
Changed overnight."

I believe this has so much to say...America never really knew what kind of danger and such destruction they were up against. When this happened it changed the United States forever. The World Trade Center is something that can not be brought back, and the lives that were taken will be something never to be forgotten.
We never think about how lucky we are to have all the things we have and how quickly it can be all taken from each one of us.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 08:19 PM | Comments (0)

January 26, 2006

Mending Wall

"But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made,"

"Where there are cows? But here there are no cows."

I really liked how Robert Frost included animals and nature. He included other things besides talking about his neighbor. I think he made himself be so secluded from everything that he did not even realize what he was doing.
After reading poem several times it started to make more sense to me.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 10:37 AM | Comments (0)