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March 28, 2006

O'Connor The Displaced Person

"At last," she said, "I've got somebody I can depend on. For years I've been fooling with sorry people. Sorry people. Poor white trash and niggers," she muttered. "They've drained me dry."
Everytime Mrs. McIntyre gets some one to people here they do a half assed job, it seems to me that she is extremely picky and Mr. Shortley was not going to help her, because his own work to do in his barn and the side work with his wiskey. Mrs. McIntyre seems to be very predjustice against white and blacks, it makes me wonder what etnic background she is? I guess some times people do not appricate the help that they do get or have until they loose all there help. Toward the end she does get very sick and has to sell all her cow and there is only a black women to take care of her and the priest that comes by once a week to explian the doctrines of the church to her. I guess now she is not so cruel to blacks because there is no one more willing to help take care of her then this women.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 02:43 PM | Comments (0)

O'Connor Good Country People

"but I guess the world ould never be better off if we were all that simle." Life was not that simple for Mr. Pointer as he called himself, but at every house he would change his name so what was his real name. He knew who to munipulate these women, and the fact that the mother let Hulga go with hime, they did not even know the man that well he just come to there house sat down and had dinner the next minute Hulga was meeting him in the park for a picnic. Another good county man, i think he was out to see what they had, nosey boy one who you know better than to trust coming down the street out of nowhere.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 02:42 PM | Comments (1)

Roberts, Appendix A

Structuralism stems from the attempt to find relationships and connections amoung elements that appear to be separate and discrete. The structuralsit critical approch attempts to discover the forms underlying all literature. It is so important to come across your work in a wide variety of approaches. Focus on the approach that is there and work with the different structures between structuralism and archetypalism. Grammer is a very important part to this as well. Languages can associate with different types of literature.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 07:57 AM | Comments (0)

March 26, 2006

O'Conner A Late Encounter With The Enemy

This story was a little confusing to me. I understood it to be about Sally Poker Sash at 62 years old she was going to gradutae and she took care of her father General Sash who was 104 years old. He seemed to be more of a sneeky man if i am understanding the story corectly. He tired to hide near the pop machine when she was walking in the line she had to get out of line and have the scout take him into the autoturium. I am thinking that there was someone there that general did not want to encounter, maybe John Wesly.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 05:42 PM | Comments (1)

Roberts, Appendix C

"Porphyria's Lover" (1836)

This poem really got my attention.....it seems to me that this man loved this women so much that he took her life, because either he could not control what she did and did not do, or he wanted her all to himself and the only way he could have her was by killing her. I don't understand if he was going to keep her or going to bary her. Hopefully for her sake and peace he would bary her, but he seemed like a sick man. And the last line "And yet God has not said a word!" This man will probably go to hell for what he done....esecially killing an inosiant women who loved him and he loved her too, but i what i would call a sick manner.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 03:26 PM | Comments (1)

March 23, 2006

O'Conner A Circle In The Fire

Mrs. Pitchard and Mrs.Cope working on the beds of the house, always making them look presentiable and neat. One day three boys comming down the street they came to see Mrs. Pitchard. One of the boys remembering Mrs. P when he lived back this way with his father, before he died. He come to see if him and his freinds could ride the horses, but Mrs. P said not that she did not want anyone to get hurt. The boys stayed for lunch till the next day Mrs. P knew that they seemed like there were up to no good, the ended stealing the cows and lighting the woods on fire, all the pride and joy that Mrs. P had. The boys seemed like trouble to me from the begining there were coming there for on reason and one reason only. They wanted to ruin everything she had and owned more in likely because they had nothing, to go to no home or residence.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 07:59 AM | Comments (1)

March 15, 2006

The Artificial Nigger

O'Connor, ''The Artificial Nigger'' -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

It really discouraged me how on page 100 he says when he was born he didn't have the intelligence to determine his whereabouts but this had made no impression on the child. I know at a young age children do not understand alot but there is no reason why Mr. Head should put down that child's intellignce in front of him or evern at all. It seems like Mr. Head is all of himself and no one else, very selfless and selfish. I also did not like how he told the young boy that he would not want to stay around here because of all the "Niggers" that is a word that you don't say in front of a children, it is not mature nor it is used appropriately. Mr. Head is not a very good person, or very worthy so how can he be a good parent to that boy.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 09:25 PM | Comments (0)

A Temple Of The Holy Ghost

O'Connor, '''A Temple of the Holy Ghost'' -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

Wow!! these two girls Susan and Joanne are something else. They remind me of devil children.
that is why they go to the convent because they are so mouthy and bad. They have a name for everyone and don't really know how to talk to others in a nice manner. But i guess young girls act like this thye think thye are trying to be funny when thye are really acting very inmature.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 02:32 PM | Comments (2)

A Stroke Of Good Fortune

O'Connor, ''A Stroke of Good Fortune'' -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

I love how Ruby could not understand what was wrong with her, why you legs and feet were so swollen and why she had such a hard time getting up and down the stairs. She thought that she had cancer, well that was not the problem. She had a "Good Fortune" coming her way and she barely new it a baby, she heard in an echo.....now she will have plenty of time to rest and stay off her feet now that she knows what she is in for. A very lucky Fortune I think.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 01:48 PM | Comments (2)

Roberts, 254-263

Demonstrative Research Essay -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

I liked how they used medium words so it made it easy to read and understand. Paragraph (5) talks about the major imoportance of narrating characters to revel and reflect on Kane's disintegration. His personal life and the performance of the character's, and also the feeling that they are playing on throughout the film.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 07:22 AM | Comments (0)

March 13, 2006

Paper #1


Melissa Lupari
English Literature II
March 14, 2006
Seton Hill University

Trifles 1
Melissa Lupari
Dr. Jerz
English Literature II
14 March 2006

Trifles: True Crime To Cover For Love

In Susan Glaspell’s one act play the Trifles, we are focusing on evidence trying to find whom to pin the murder to Mr. Wright’s killer. Believing that Mrs. Wright could be the possible victim of Mr. Wright killing in Trifles, we have no real given evidence that it was her. Until they found a piece of quilt that Mrs. Wright had been working on. “It’s a log cabin pattern. Pretty isn’t it? Wonder if she was goin’ to quilt it or just knot it” (396). Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peter are trying to figure out what has just happen to their friend did she really kill her husband? Was she capable of doing such a god afoul thing?
Mrs. Wright loved to sing and quilt, that was her love besides her canary. Mr. Wright never gave Mrs. Wright any children to rise because he was not interested in having any at the time and he said, ‘No’ (393), it was either his way or no way. Mr. Wright seemed like he controlled what Mrs. Wright could and could not do. Mrs. Wright never seemed to talk to her neighbors much; she basically alienated herself from others due to her unhappiness. Nobody ever saw much of her; they began to think that she was getting depressed because all she would do is stay inside in her rocking chair and quilt. Her house was a mess because it finally set in that she was in the middle of doing
Trifles 2
everything when the “shock” of her husband’s death set in.
Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters went into the home to get Mrs. Wright some clothes because she did not have the time to grab any clothes. As they were searching for clothes in the cupboard they found a birdcage all broken and wondered were the canary was and what happened “I think she would a wanted a bird” (398). She loved to sing just as a bird would, “She was a kind of bird herself-real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and-fluttery” (398). Mrs. Hale finds her sewing box thinking that her scissors might be in there, but instead the find something wrapped in a piece of silk, “It’s a bird” (398). The women started thinking that if Mrs. Wright killed the canary she could have sure killed her husband, but she was never that kind of a person. “She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir” (396). Little did they know that Mrs. Wright was verbally abused by Mr. Wright and he hated noise and children that is why they never had children. Mrs. Wright also lost interest in going to church and singing in the choir, “I wish you’d seen Minnie Foster when she wore a white dress with blue ribbon and stood up there in the choir and sang” (399). She was perfect it seemed till she settled down with Mr. Wright.
When Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peter are starting putting two and two together they thought that Mrs. Wright probably killed her husband because of the way he treated her and he took everything that meant something to her from her believing that Mr. Wright killed her canary because he hated sound in the first place and the bird would always sing. “I wonder how it seemed to not have any children around. No, Wright wouldn’t

Trifles 3
like the bird - a thing that sang. She used to sing. He killed that, too” (399). To Mrs. Wright, that was like her child to her since she was never given the opportunity to have any. So she hid the canary in a box with a piece of silk because she wanted to bury it the right way. Mrs. Wright was sick of the life that she had with Mr. Wright and took his life even though she is not a cold person. But never admitting to committing the crime, she never put up a fight either.
Supposing that Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale understand what might have happened while Mr. Wright was living in the house; they saw things that other neighbors did not. For one Mrs. Wright was always a friendly person and would speak to anyone, but feeling ashamed in letting her husband rule her around and treat her the way that he did.
Mrs. Peter’s realizes that the dead bird will be used as the stereotype of Mrs. Wright as a madwoman who overreacts in “Trifles”. Mrs. Peters is the playing the role of sheriffs wife and becomes “married to the law” (400). She claims that her position as the person who dispenses the lots in life when she moves to hide the bird and thus denies the men “something to make a story about” (400).
Symbolically, Mrs. Wright is linked to Mr. Hales description of her “rockin’ back and forth” (393), a motion made similarly to the motion of cutting by the scissors. Mrs. Peter’s discovers that the dead bird in Mrs. Wright’s sewing box and exclaims, “Why, this isn’t scissors” (398). Ironically, the dead canary takes the place of the scissors. The death of the bird directly ties to the death of Mr. Wright. Mr. Hale relates that in his questioning of Mrs. Wright, she admits that her husband “died of a rope around his neck,” but she does not know how it happened because she “didn’t wake up;” she is a
Trifles 4
sound sleeper (393). Mrs. Wright “I was on the inside” (393). Her involvement with the rope of death is equivalent of serving the thread of life. She did not spin the thread, nor did she assign the lot, she merely contributed a part of the whole, and that collective whole became the great part of the story. For this reason, Mrs. Wright is correct in denying on her individual knowledge or responsibility in the death of her husband.
In Trifles the evidence is really waved by Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peter’s. They feel sorry for her knowing what she just might have gone through with Mr. Wright. Never really understanding what happened in their relationship. On the Outside always seeing Mr. Wright as a good man “he didn’t drink, and kept his word as well as most, I guess, and paid his debts. But he was a hard man, Mrs. Peter’s” (398). For Mrs. Wright they was not much in his eyes that she could have done right, so she just assumed to quite doing everything and then she would not have to listen to him “like a raw wind that gets to the bone” (398).
Mrs. Wright carries out with the verdict; although the procedure us somewhat reserved. Susan Glaspell’s use of fate or the three sisters, does not weaken or dramatize the women who are oppressed by men. Although some believe that the power of the three sisters remains trivial. Glaspell reminds her audience that, regardless of the myth and the twentieth-century law, it still takes three women to equal one man. Man are not always as lucky to have friends that will stand by there side and find a way to protect them as women do. They are all qualities that remain a mystery.

Trifles 5
Works Cited

Bill, Keveny. “‘Mrs. Harris:’ True Love, true crime.” USA Today (2006): 9-10.
Holstien, Suzy Clarkson. “Silent Justice in a different key: Glaspell’s ‘Trifles.’” Midwest Quartley Vol. 44 (2003): 282-291.
Kanthak, John. “Feminisms in Motion: Pursing the “Wild Zone” Thesis into the fourth dimension. Literature Interpretation Theory Vol. 14 (2003): 149-164).
Marsh, Kelly. “Dead Husbands and other ‘Girls Stuff’: The Trifles in Legally Blonde.” Literature Film Quarterly Vol.33 (2005): 201-206.
Roberts, Edgar. “Trifles.” Writing About Literature-11th ed. (2006): 392-400.
Russell, Judith Key. “Glaspell’s Trifles.” Explicator Vol. 55 (1997): 88-91.
Salla, Michael. “Creating the ‘Ripe Moment’ in the East Timor conflict.” Journal of Peace Research Vol. 34 (1997): 449-467.
Yamashita, Brianna. “A Lady Never Trifles With Thieves” (Book). Publishers Weekly Vol. 250 (2003): 58-60.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 11:12 AM | Comments (0)

March 10, 2006

Roberts pg. 254-263

Demonstrative Research Essay -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

I am not quite understanding what this assinment consisits of, a we to read and write about a film or do we just find the information and have it for the next activity. I am just a little lost. Thanks for your help.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 03:02 PM | Comments (1)

March 07, 2006

Roberts, Chapter 18

When starting a paper the hardest thing that I find myslef having is selecting a topic and knowing am I going to be able to write a good paper on this topic and will it meet the requirements. He says to pick a particular topic and author and then compare and contrast the two types. The look at some other specific works and you might find something that influences you more. To research more about the topic go to diferent libraries and look for articles, information, books,and journals. If you feel confident about your paper, then begin setting up our biblography.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 05:46 PM | Comments (1)

O'Conner "The Life You Save Maybe Your Own"

"Give it to her when she wakes up," Mr. Shiftlet said.

He stopped to get something to eat and left Lucynell behind, i knew from the beginging that he was a no good man and that he was out to get someone. He was in a rush to get to Tuscaloona. The only reason he bothered with those women was becasue they had a car that they never used since the women's husband died and he knew that was his ride to where he had to be. Very stiny man, sneaky.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 04:55 PM | Comments (4)

O'Conner "The River"

O'Connor, ''The River'' -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

I truely believe that this young boy is looking for love and affection, and he can not find it at home so he found this river and thought he saw things and heard voices hoping that someone can help him in finding love, family, and friendship. Seemed to be to be a very lonely boy that did not have a family who cared about him or what he did. Truely sad to feel like no one really cares about you.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 04:51 PM | Comments (2)

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

O'Connor, ''A Good Man Is Hard to Find'' -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

"Why you're one of my babies. You're one of my own children."

What I think grandmother is trying to say here is that she knows that man from the past meeting her somewhere through her life and is telling him that he is like a child to her, of course he is definatly old enough. I think grandma thought that he would not shoot her than if she talked some good sense to him, but that did not matter cause he shot at her anyways. I thought that this was a sad short story and I felt bad for the grandmother because she wanted to go to Tennesse.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 04:23 PM | Comments (1)