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April 26, 2006

Formal Presentation #2

Melissa Lupari

Title: Flannery O’Connor’s the Quest to Vision Spirituality, Hope and Existence
In Flannery O’Connor a Good Man Is Hard to find and Other Short Stories, we find two stories that focus in on one another in two very diverse ways. In Flannery O’Connor’s “The River” and “Good Country People,” we see that life is not always the way we would picture it providing us with many trials and tribulations. In O’Connor’s short stories we vision that life for some of us is to difficult and hardened by what God has provided us with, not always willing to except things the way they are and try to take our life to a whole new outlook through a vision of spirituality and comedy.
“She officially changed her name to Hulga to reflect the ugliness she feels about her life and to spite her mother.” (Bosco)
“But nevertheless is filled with Christian hope given neither death nor pain.” (Sparrow)
“That there can not really be such a thing as good country people.” (O’Connor)

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions at the bottom, and then return it back to me:

Posted by MelissaLupari at 04:22 PM | Comments (0)

Formal Presentation

Formal Oral Presentations -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

Anagogical Vision and Comedic Form in Flannery O’Connor: The Reasonable Use of the Unreasonable
By: Melissa Lupari

 What is Comic Vision?
o Comedic- means of or relating to comedy.
o Vision- the power of being able to see or use your imagination.
 What is Anagogical Vision?
o Anagogical- interpretation of a word, passage, or text (as of Scripture or poetry) that finds beyond the literal, allegorical, and moral senses a fourth and ultimate spiritual or mystical sense.
 How could Flannery O’Connor’s writings be described?
o Does Flannery O’Conner use a lot of Comedy in her writing or, is it more or less a word or a passage?
 Why do you think that Comedy has hinged on the work of Flannery O’Connor?
o Comedy has traditionally hinged on the ending of the work.
o Example: “A Good Man Is Hard To Find” at the beginning you may have laughed with laughter, but by the second half you sat in silence and were stunned by what you were reading. (Askin, 58)
o O’Connor uses comedic paradigm as we have seen in her writings, by developing plot, character, and the mode to her stories. She distances comedically, barring emotion and engaging on intellect. (Askin, 58-59)
o O’Connor also at times leaves the reader to struggle for “the point” making us wonder what happened, where the conclusion… is leaving us hanging. (Askin, 60)
My Paper…The Progress:
 Title: Finding what good there is in life and making a vision.
 Thesis Statement: In Flannery O’Connor “A Good Man Is Hard To Find and Other Short Stories,” we find two stories that focus in on one another in two vary diverse ways. O’Connor’s “The River and “Good Country People.” In These two stories we find that life is not always what it is made out to be. Sometimes some of us do not even try at all, never wondering or worrying about what vision will come to mind about life and the future.
 I have changed my Thesis Statement about three times each time I feel I am getting closer to what I want to say. The Focus of my paper is taking these two stories and looking into more of there vision. What are there similarities and how do they deferrer? At the time what was Flannery O’Connor thinking about in her writings, mood, etc.?

Posted by MelissaLupari at 04:21 PM | Comments (0)

April 21, 2006

Roberts, Ch 17

I think when looking at everything that we have studied throughout the semester, I see me focusing on a lot of the reading, the major detials that pin point the topic or primary text.

As for my paper focsuing on Flannery O'Connor the way she makes the charcters come out in her writing, even though very vague and sad, she trys to teach us not to be to trusting of others and that there are not to may good people on this earth. Aso the religion and way of living down south. There can be several different types of questions it all dpends on you track of thought.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 08:03 PM | Comments (0)

April 18, 2006

The Color of Water, McBride

"See a marriage needs love. And God. And a little mone. That's all. The rest you can deal with. It's not about black or white. It's about God and don't let anyone tell you different." (233). This is so true if you let people try to live your life for you then why are you living a life..there is no point. You have to be your own person following you own dreams and your own goals not following what someone else has in mind for you. This hit me in a personal way, with me dealing with my familiy, mother always trying to live out my life and tell me what she thinks is best for me but that is not what I want i want to live my own life and make my own good and bad choices no matter how it effects me and move on with it from there not always looking at the bad part in things,which is how some people live and look at there life and it never really gets them anywhere but being mesiraible and unhappy.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 12:59 PM | Comments (0)

April 17, 2006

The Color of Water, McBride

"As a small boy, I was never wuite aware of the concept of "Father." This really was very sad to me. Growing up never knowing who your real fatehr was but having someone else to look up to a call dad and as you get older and understand that the man who has raised you are and never really will be his. That just breaks me thinking that it happens a lot to children. (117)

Posted by MelissaLupari at 01:24 PM | Comments (0)

April 10, 2006

Portfolio 3 "From Beginning Till The End"

Portfolio 3- Jerz: American Literature II (EL267)

The portfolio of the second half of the semeter show how much growth I have learned with this class. American Literature has taught me how to read,write, and even blog better. I never thought that I would be able to get this down pat but it has come to be so seay for me. This portfolio covers reading that were required in the class and different class disscusions. I really enjoyed learning in a different way then what I am used to with my feild of study. I liked the challenge that you provided to your students, although at times I was ready to cry because I never thought that I would make it through. Now being at the end and looking back I would have changed some things, but I can only look to do better in the future. I can definalty say that I know more walking out then when I first walked in to this class.

COVERAGE: These are reading that required many days of long hours reading over a couple times to be sure I was understanding what is being taught and said in class.

The Dicplaced Person

The Great Gatsby chapter1-3

The Great Gatsby chapter 4-6

The Great Gatsby chapter 7-9

The Color of Water, McBride

The Color of Water, McBride

DEPTH: These works are things that I looked more in depth with. Focusing on them reading them a couple times to be sure that I was understanding the main topic of the story.

Roberts, Ch 18

Roberts pg. 254-263

Roberts, Appendix C

Roberts, Appendix A

The Adding Machine

INTERACTION: These are works that I made comments on to help my peers or agree on the same of different thoughts.

A Late Encounter With The Enemy

Good Country People

The River

A Good Man Is Hard To FInd

Ressurection Blues

Dessert Places

DISSCUSSIONS: Conversations from peers that sparked my attention or got me thinking about another idea or topic. It is important to help your peers , so that everyone understands where they are expected to be.

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

A Circle In The Fire

Frost and Huges

Roberts, Chapter 8

Mending Wall

Apple Picking


TIMELINESS: Entries that I posted long before the due date, to help me work ahead with my schudule and give each of my classes equal dedicataion to my work.

The River

The Artificial Nigger

Comparison and Contrast

Roberts, Ch 17

Bernice bobs Her Hair

XENBLOGGING: Helping others but at the same time other peers helping me see different things, ideas, topics, quotes, that I did not pick up on when reading.

The Life You May Save Maybe Your Own

A Stoke Of Good Fortune

A Temple Of The Holy Ghost

The Displaced Person

WILDCARD: Acheivement that I have made as a blogger throughout the semester.

The Displaced Person

Formal Presentation

Formal Presentaion #2

Ressuration Blues

Ressuration Blues

I have really been taught so much in this class throughout the entire semester. Although some things did not come as easy to me as maybe others. I never took the easy way out...I just kept pluggin away, knowing that all I had to do was the best that I knew how. I will walk form this class taking many different things that I have learned and I will use it with my future class or one day in my classroom with my own studnets. Thank You, for teaching me things that I never thought I could do, I have completed them to the best of my known sucess!

Posted by MelissaLupari at 12:34 PM | Comments (1)

April 07, 2006

Roberts, Comparsion and Contrast

Roberts, Ch. 14 -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

I am working on this in my third paper that i am starting i am comparing and contrasting two different ideas and trying to show in a way how they are different but sort of the same idea. When comparing and contrasting you need to look at several ideas and enhance the understanding by researching and looking futher into the topic of your interest. You want to be sure that you thoughts are clear and understandable.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 10:46 AM | Comments (1)

Chapter 12, Roberts

Roberts, Ch. 12 -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

"Procatalepsis' never heard of this word before and never would have thought tha it meant to consider beforehand. I have really learned a lot of new words and meaning to some words i did not know.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 10:41 AM | Comments (2)

Frost and Huges

Hughes and Frost -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

Robert Frost "Fireflies In The Garden"

Loving the Garden and Fireflies and there beautiful colors that they have, i really liked this poem, because i pictured a warm summer day the sun begining to go down and the start of the stars coming out. The beautiful colors of the flowers surrond you and the fireflies as the light up and fly around you and all your flowers. Seemed like a happy poem to me.

Both of these poet's were very good at touching your interthoughts
Lanston Huges "Homecoming"

This poem being sad due to the fact that when the man came home to see his wife, girlfreind whomever she was, she was gone no where to be found in the house. No only feeling alone and knowing that he has nobody else but "I". Huges poems seem to be alot about two people if it is a women and a man or a women and a son, or about so sort of lost love.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 10:36 AM | Comments (1)

April 01, 2006

Roberts, Chapter 8

"Oldfactory image refers to smell, a gustatory image to taste, and a tactile image to touch." I never heard of any of these words used before and for each of them to use a part of the 5 sences, it was something new that i had just learned today and become very interesting to me. So i learned something new. A great deal of love poetry deals with this.

Posted by MelissaLupari at 04:57 PM | Comments (1)