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May 01, 2006
Ressuration Blues
"Prego, Signor.....No, that's Italian. Bitte... not bitte...stop, okay? What's Spanish for "stop"?
Liked this quote being that I am Italian....I am trying to get the talking Italian down better. It is not that easy. This play is very confusing to me. I have two more scences to finish reading so i think that the end will help me understand what is going on. I think after I read some blogs, and listen to some class disscusion I will hear things that i remember reading and have a better understanding of the play. I think it is a great play so far.
Posted by MelissaLupari at May 1, 2006 11:34 AM
You found it confusing and great at the same time, huh? Sounds like my initial mental response after I finished reading it.
Posted by: ChrisU at May 3, 2006 10:07 PM