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April 23, 2007

I had zombie dreams last night. I think it was becasue I ate a sandwich and a bunch of Quaker oat squares right before I went to bed.

"I am not a happy man, Ender. Humanity does not ask us to be happy. It merely asks us to be brilliant on its behalf. Survival first, then happiness as we can manage it."

Rackham is telling ender that although he was manipulated and taken advantage of, it was what needed to be done. Rackham's philosophy focuses on the bigger picture. he is telling ender that he is just a small part of a whole, and sometimes, the whole must be put before individuality and personal preference. this means that sometimes, in order to live a better life, happiness must be sacrificed.

April 18, 2007

Checkblog point

My blogging checkpoint?

I wrote two things

This is the first one

This is the second one

April 16, 2007

Harvest Five Grain

"One of the most memorable figures of Shakespeare's tragedies is King Lear, wandering madly through the raging tempest. The debate over interpretations of the play is well known: pagan versus Christian."

I don't necessarily argee Kennedy on this one. There may very well be ellusions to both pagan and christian religion, but i would not go as far as assuming cordilia a christlike figure, or agruing the religios symbolism of king lear. I believe that any piece that has every been written can somehow be interpreted in a religious manner. If someone looks hard enough, they can find religious symbolism in anything. There is a religious influence in king lear, but only to a certain point. For a moment i can let kennedy's agrument sit with me, but i don't think i can be convince on this one.

How good can smart taste?

"And it immediately establishes a parallel, by displacement, between action of the play, firmly placed in the British past, and the current times in which Shakespeare and his fellow Londoners were living."

This is the beauty of period pieces.
you could read King Lear over and over again, but unless you put yourself in Shakespeare's shoes and immerse yourself in the culture of the times, you may never absorb the full meaning of the play. Feudalism was not exactly the first thing that came to mind when i read the play, however, when comparing the text to the events of the time, the characters and plot assume an entirely new role. Though Zunder seemed to be stretch his assumtions, and occassionally digress from his topic, i think he makes an extremely valid point about the plays interpretation. There is an obvious connection between the subplots of the play and the political and social aspects of the time.

April 2, 2007

My friend got a package from her mom. I feel unloved.

"And you needn't to think you'll catch me because Pointer ain't really my name. I use a different name at every house I call at and don't stay nowhere long."

Miss Flannery delivers once again.
Her characters suprise on every page.
With twists like waterslides and candycanes.
She makes the end impossible to gauge.

Some things are not as simple as they seem.
Your trust cannot be given out on whims.
Her willingness played right into his scheme.
Her lusty smile turned to something grim.