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May 9, 2007

Portfolioso 3

blog portfolio 3

This is my blog portfolio

(Some would say that less is more)


This one's really good

I think I might have been wearing a blue shirt when i wrote this one. I find that blue shirts make for the best writing.

I also left some comments on other peoples blogs. I think they enjoyed them, but I don't know, I'm not a doctor.


Corey writes things.

So does Ellen.

Corey writes more things.

I think I started some pretty good conversations as you can probably tell from my commenting.

Also, I try to be the first one to leave a comment on my friends blogs. That way I can leave some really heavy hitting material.

May 7, 2007

I think I may have broken the little toe on my right foot

"One thing can be said for an eight-month course of cancer treatment: it is highly educational. I am learning to suffer."

and that is what this play is based around. suffering.
but you would never imagine it if you read only certain excepts from the text. the thing that is so beautiful about this peice of work is how the writter so masterly contrasted pain and suffering with lightheartedness and wit. this is some fine black humor if i every saw it.