Portfolio IV

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·         Pay Attention, Please

·         Harvard Is Better

·         Nice, But Crowded

·         Linkage

·         The Eye-Catching Times

·         Unsolved Mysteries and Eerie Silhouettes

      Yes, I Am Timid When It Comes To Diversity


My blogs were on time and a few were early (Pay Attention, Please, Linkage). I have noticed that throughout this process people do tend to comment on your blog if it is posted early.



I was very happy with Yes, I Am Timid When It Comes To Diversity because I took a small risk publishing a personal feeling. I also read other people's blogs (Josie Rush) before mine to decide if I wanted to talk about diversity. Also, Katie Vann left a thoughtful comment after she read my blog and I learned she shared similar hesitations about posting personal ideas about diversity.


And for the purely personal reason that I love Unsolved Mysteries, I like my blog talking about Unsolved Mysteries and Eerie Silhouettes. I think it is important to make connections to anything you like or are familiar with because it deepens your level of understanding. I hadn't realized that journalists have an obligation to protect citizens just the same as a TV show like UM does. 



As I stated above, I had a good interaction with Katie on my  Diversity blog.


My blogs about the news papers (The Eye-Catching Times, Harvard Is Better and Nice, But Crowded) got some great comments from Aja Hannah, April Minerd, Jennifer Prex, and  Richelle Dodaro.



See above. Also, I think our blogs prompted some great class discussion as well. It makes me wish I record it and post it on my blog to cover this section!



I definitely did some linking in this round. I linked to This funny article I found while looking at the Cavalier Daily's news paper.


I linked to the Unsolved Mysteries Wikipedia section.


And I also linked to several classmates as well as back to some of the articles we were reading.



I consider my blog Linkage to be a Wildcard because I didn't just post it for class. While I was posting it I had to figure out what I wanted to use for my research aspect of my news article. By writing this blog, I thought about where I could get my information and I realized I could use state websites as well as other schools websites that pertained to the idea of a school merger.



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