- 2009.11.27: Portfolio IV
- 2009.11.27: Pay Attention, Please
- 2009.11.19: Harvard Is Better
- 2009.11.19: Nice, But Crowded
- 2009.11.17: Linkage
- 2009.11.16: The Eye-Catching Times
- 2009.11.10: Portfolio III
- 2009.11.10: Yes, I Am Timid When It Comes To Diversity
- 2009.11.10: Unsolved Mysteries and Eerie Silhouettes
- 2009.11.06: Article I Referred To In Class...
- 2009.10.26: Liberal Arts Majors Make Good Journalists
- 2009.10.26: Hey! Is That My Doctor Writing For The Trib??
- 2009.10.25: SpongeBob And The News
- 2009.10.20: Is Honesty The Best Policy?
- 2009.10.13: Preachy Morons
- 2009.10.07: Portfolio II
- 2009.10.07: Tracking A News Story: A Fire Hall Catches Fire
- 2009.10.07: Back To Clear And Concise
- 2009.10.07: Reader's Motivations Are Disturbing
- 2009.10.07: Little Words Influence Readers
- 2009.09.27: Tone And Quotes Can Sway A Reader
- 2009.09.22: Hitting Home
- 2009.09.17: Portfolio I
- 2009.09.17: Rat Tail With Your Soup Sir?
- 2009.09.17: Save It For Your English Papers
- 2009.09.17: Pizzazz! But The Short And Sweet Kind
- 2009.09.15: Bus Plunge Genre
- 2009.09.15: What Will Our Legacy Be???
- 2009.09.13: MLA, APA, Chicago, AP Style...My Poor English Brain!
- 2009.09.05: Damn NATO And Their Earthquakes...
- 2009.09.05: Alice's Butcher Knife
- 2009.09.05: Reaction To Presentations
- 2009.09.03: Reality vs News
- 2009.09.03: Ready Your Anecdotes
- 2009.09.01: Quotes That Get Emotional
- 2009.09.01: Beware Of "Muddy" Points In Journalism
- 2009.08.30: Breaking News Just In...Maybe...Well Not So Much....
- 2009.08.30: Raw Emotion Means Lack of Respect
- 2009.08.28: TV News Elicits Emotional Responses...Or Tries To
- 2009.08.28: A Famous Person Has (fill in the blank)
- 2009.05.07: Presentations
- 2009.05.06: Portfolio III and Presentations
- 2009.04.23: Article Presentation
- 2009.04.22: The Urn In Limbo
- 2009.04.22: Culture Within Text
- 2009.04.22: Fiction It
- 2009.04.22: New Criticism Is All Kinda Criticism
- 2009.04.19: Madness or Suicide? Is That Feminism?
- 2009.04.19: The Trappings of Formalism
- 2009.04.19: Urn vs Pot
- 2009.04.13: An Outside Source Worth Your While
- 2009.04.05: Portfolio II
- 2009.03.30: Tomb Raider and Derrida?
- 2009.03.30: Taking The Easy Way Out
- 2009.03.30: Can You Try That Again...In English?
- 2009.03.30: Use Your Instrument!
- 2009.03.24: Hamilton Is Good With Poetry "Stuff"
- 2009.03.24: Calling All Linguistics Students! Remember "The map is not the territory?"
- 2009.03.16: Nafisi Lecture
- 2009.03.16: For Argument's Sake!
- 2009.03.16: Literature's Core
- 2009.03.16: Take Me Away...
- 2009.03.16: Your Murky Conscious
- 2009.03.16: Back To Eliot
- 2009.03.03: The Spaniards Weren't Down With That...
- 2009.03.03: Beastly Boy
- 2009.03.03: Gender Blots
- 2009.03.03: Make Literature Serve You
- 2009.03.03: A Flattering Dream
- 2009.02.26: Portfolio One...How I Wish That Blogging Was Done
- 2009.02.26: Blogging Carnival: Unusual Perspectives
- 2009.02.24: What's The Opposite Of Pathetic Fallacy?
- 2009.02.24: The Intimacy Of Reader Response
- 2009.02.24: That Delano Is A Shady Character
- 2009.02.24: Isn't It Ironic?
- 2009.02.24: Choices Create
- 2009.02.24: Write The Key To Your Subconscious
- 2009.02.16: Hamilton Fails To Provide Again
- 2009.02.16: So Little Time, So Few Lines
- 2009.02.16: Buy Me A Little Happy
- 2009.02.16: Chaos Mirrors Chaos
- 2009.02.16: Decode Literature
- 2009.02.10: Political Obedience
- 2009.02.10: Give Romeo a Run for his Money
- 2009.02.09: Repitition Is Always Key...Maybe
- 2009.02.09: Curtain Call
- 2009.02.09: Author's Intention...Haven't We Heard This Before?
- 2009.02.02: It's Okay To Be Angry...Unless Your A 19th Century Woman
- 2009.02.02: Forgotten Assonance
- 2009.02.02: Experience Your Text
- 2009.02.02: Through the Looking Lens
- 2009.01.22: Blogroll
- 2009.01.22: Seton Hill University Academic Weblog
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Recent Comments
Michelle Tantlinger on Pay Attention, Please: I agree with both of you. Soci
Josie Rush on Pay Attention, Please: Michelle, I talk about social
Greta Carroll on Pay Attention, Please: Haha, oh, Michelle, I love you
Aja Hannah on The Eye-Catching Times: About the advertisment, I thin
April Minerd on Harvard Is Better: I have to comment that the art
Jennifer Prex on Harvard Is Better: I also liked how it was less c
Richelle Dodaro on The Eye-Catching Times: I agree, Michelle. Reading and
Katie Vann on Yes, I Am Timid When It Comes To Diversity: I was nervous to talk about di
Jessie Krehlik on Is Honesty The Best Policy?: You drive a valid point here,