
Entries related to Pedablogue.

Sunday 10 August 2008

  • Upgrading Pedablogue - The look is new, but the content is the same. Pedablogue is evolving to accomodate an upgrade to our system blogging software. Apologies for any errors you encounter along the way. Permalinks may change, so if you may need to run a search to find a page you were seeking.... (11:57 | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments)

Wednesday 20 February 2008

  • Review Materials Wanted - I have decided to begin reviewing software, web services, and other technical tools for educators on Pedablogue. Books that focus on teaching strategies/advice and/or educational theory will be considered, as well. I write fair, and extensively analytical, reviews; I expect the average length of reviews to be between 1500 and... (13:31 | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments)

Sunday 20 January 2008

  • Professors Strike Back - And...scene! I'm back. Have been returned to campus after sabbatical, actually, for about six months so far -- I just haven't been blogging, and I apologize, but I've been rather busy. I will likely talk more about sabbatical and such later on. But for now, here's something fun that I... (15:41 | 0 Trackbacks | 2 Comments)

Saturday 29 April 2006

  • On Sabbatical - I am going on sabbatical for the full 2006-7 academic year, in order to secure time to develop my next novel. While I intend to keep researching and reflecting on teaching during that time, I've decided to put Pedablogue on hiatus until August 2007, when I return to full-time teaching.... (09:17 | 0 Trackbacks | 10 Comments)

Friday 10 March 2006

  • Getting Tenure - Happy news. I received tenure in my position as Associate Professor of English at Seton Hill University this week. I'm grateful. To mark the occasion, soon I'll be writing letters to the important teachers I've had in my life, just to share the good news and to let them know... (23:25 | 0 Trackbacks | 9 Comments)

Friday 17 February 2006

  • What's On Your Office Door? - 1. If you peer through the frosted window, you'll see that I use a stickie note that says "Be Right Back -- Please Wait!" that I keep at the ready, in case I need to step out. 2. Promotional postcard for my novel, Play Dead. 3. A Gary Larson... (13:29 | 0 Trackbacks | 3 Comments)

Friday 28 January 2005

  • Forward Interview - Forward, our slick campus alumni magazine, ran this excellent feature story (note: 500k .jpg image) on me this Fall, after I won the Bram Stoker Award in Alternative Forms for my free horror fiction-oriented e-newsletter, The Goreletter. The interview is quirky good fun -- it opens with a few offbeat... (10:47 | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments)

Monday 3 January 2005

  • Best of Blogs in Education - Wasn't sure whether or not to mention this, but what the heck: Pedablogue is a finalist in the Best of Blogs Awards, in the "Education Blog" category. Voting has begun and continues until January 17th. Anyone can vote. Not sure what this really means, but I noticed I'm near the... (17:19 | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments)

Monday 13 December 2004

  • wiki fixi? - Due primarily to winning the Bram Stoker Award this year, a biographical wikipedia entry has been started on my horror writing. I feel I shouldn't tamper with it (since I'm obviously biased), but would some kind wiki-friendly soul reading this message consider editing it to reflect my scholarly personae, too?... (17:23 | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments)

Saturday 4 December 2004

  • overhauling the look - I'm experimenting with new layouts and designs to Pedablogue, so if things look strange or don't work, consider this space under construction. I still need to organize a blogroll of links. I think I've finally got the archives organized in a decent fashion. Any comments on the new design?... (19:12 | 0 Trackbacks | 4 Comments)

Wednesday 16 June 2004

  • Everything's Fine? - Just learned of a new "Pedablogue" site by Harvest Bird with the marvelous subtitle, "Teaching Beyond Tips and Techniques." I like its approach a lot. In fact, I like that other pedagogy-oriented blogs are calling themselves "pedablogs" but I get a little twinge of identity crisis when I come across... (14:31 | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments)

Sunday 21 March 2004

  • Wiki'd (not Wicked) - Taking a break from writing a conference paper to update Pedablogue. In the process, I'll take this opportunity to reflect on the file this post under "Pedablogy".... + I updated my "Sites that Cite" page by running a Copernic process...and imagine my surprise when the number of results DOUBLED... (10:42 | 0 Trackbacks | 3 Comments)

Wednesday 31 December 2003

  • EdBlogger 2003 - WebLog-Ed did some post-year reflecting on blogs in education over the past year and in it's great hot list of best edublogs of the year, includes Pedablogue as "Higher Ed Blogger Who Best Translates to K-12" (in a tie with the illustrious Dan Mitchell and productive Ken Smith (tie)). WOW!... (10:15 | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments)

Tuesday 23 December 2003

  • End of Year Reflection - I started this blog in September, at the beginning of the school year. Now that the term is over, I've got two books I've gotta finish editing, a new course syllabus to finish up, and graduate program classes and workshops to prepare (our graduate program residencies are held over the... (14:12 | 0 Trackbacks | 6 Comments)

Sunday 7 December 2003

  • For the record.... - For the record.... I am not the new user named "Ped A. Blogue" on Live Journal, keeper of the blog Class. Diss. Missed. Though I do admire her name.... (13:50 | 0 Trackbacks | 3 Comments)

Saturday 18 October 2003

  • Our Purpose, Revisited - Today I returned to Inventio online and read a very good paper: Hugh Sockett's essay, "Creating a Culture for the Scholarship of Teaching", from Spring 2000. Sockett essentially looks at the purpose of the scholarship of teaching, which is to engage with a community and not simply expand the boundaries... (17:12 | 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments)

Sunday 28 September 2003

  • The Teacher's Predicament - Thanks to Will R. on Weblogg-ed, I've found this thoughtful essay in Teacher Magazine (requires sign-up, but free) on the pros and cons of teachers blogging about their classes, called "This Time, It's Personal" by Mark Toner. The article surveys the ways in which blogs can help teachers grow by... (13:03 | 0 Trackbacks | 2 Comments)

Sunday 21 September 2003

  • Essential Definition II: "Scholarship of Teaching" - The "Scholarship of Teaching" is mentioned among faculty at Seton Hill University almost as if it had the power of a buzzphrase. And it does have a particular kind of power. While the phrase means what it says, and reflects the work of anyone who works in the field of... (22:19 | 0 Trackbacks | 3 Comments)
  • Essential Definition I: PEDAGOGUE - Since the title of this blog is a pun on "PEDAGOGUE," I thought I better define this term for those reading who don't know what it is. A "pedagogue" -- at bottom -- is simply an "educator." You'd think that would be a good thing, but the term also has... (21:48 | 0 Trackbacks | 0 Comments)
  • A New Purpose - Now that I'm done experimenting with blogspace, I've backed up my initial entries in an attempt to streamline this blog and focus on the scholarship of teaching.... (20:50 | 0 Trackbacks | 1 Comments)