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November 20, 2005

Hallmarks of Journalism, Digital or Print (Chapter 8)

“The ability to get the news you want is the hallmark of a net-worked world.”

As more and more people connect to the internet, its news capabilities expand. Consequently, with the internet, an eclectic mix of news is just a click away. For me personally, that’s what I love about it. I find good sources for papers that I’m writing, and if the professor doesn’t accept or limits internet sources, they often lead me to an acceptable one.

Nevertheless, Gillmor echoes the precept he has used throughout his book: accuracy, fairness, and ethical standards are core principals in journalism mode.

Posted by NancyGregg at November 20, 2005 8:13 PM


I love the internet for that reason--I can choose what I want to read. But, I think with that comes a certain level of responsibility. If we pick only the things we want to read, our perspective of life becomes more narrow.

We are free to make our perspective narrow, but that only hurts us in the end. Our responsibility, then, is to ourselves to use the vast resources of this electronic age to expand our worldview. There's always room for narrowing it later.

Posted by: Evan at November 20, 2005 11:22 PM

I see your point, but I don't use the internet to expand my worldview; just to find information or sources. Also, I can expand my worldview and accept other worldviews, while still embracing my American culture and Christian heritage. (I've traveled to Asia and spent time in China.)

Posted by: NancyGregg at November 21, 2005 3:22 PM