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November 30, 2005
Nancy's Final Blog Entry
In our class this semester, we reviewed news-writing conventions as well as the pitfalls of scientific and pseudo-scientific reporting. In our remaining few weeks, we explored a new form of journalism: Gillmor-style, cyberspace journalism. We each brought a unique perspective to the assigned readings from We the Media.
For coverage, I blogged on Gillmor’s invitation in Chapters 1 and 2 to both the news consumer and the news maker to engage in an interactive, new-media conversation. The author mentioned the limitations of on-line journalism in the area of investigative reporting. I took an in-depth look at a more traditional journalist’s investigative report. In another in-depth entry on the same chapters, I expressed my opinions. It’s always risky to do so, but Gillmor himself welcomes contrary opinions and in doing so reveals much about his character: “I tend to learn more (or at least as much) from people who think I’m wrong than people who think I’m right, and when they offer reasons I pay close attention, even if we continue to disagree” (248). In Chapter 3, Gillmor showed that traditional news-making rules have changed and in Chapter 5 that the “little guy” can have an impact.
I had a discussion with Lorin on a quote Gillmor used in Chapter 4: “Always Make New Mistakes.” I had another in-depth discussion with Mike Sichok on a quote he included in his presentation “if it bleeds, it leads.”
In my coverage on Chapter 6, I noted that Gillmor echoes a theme we heard throughout the semester, “We must maintain core principals … fairness, accuracy, and thoroughness” (134).
In Chapter 7, Gillmor promoted open-source journalism. I tried it with my feature article. Lou’s comment reminded me of the importance of peer encouragement. One of my sources, Dr. Brino-Dean pointed out an error which was easily corrected and in doing so demonstrated Gillmor’s point.
I had a discussion with Evan on Chapter 8. I xenoblogged on Jenna’s admissions blog, but the credit goes to Jenna for researching my question.
Gillmor continued to enlighten new-media journalists, which I covered in Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12. Bethany’s presentation prompted an interactive, blog conversation between us. Finally, I received a thoughtful and generous comment from Lorin on my timely blog on a Tribune-Review feature article, which brings me to Christmas.
Since this is a Catholic University, I can say it, “Have a very merry Christmas.” And for those of you who don’t celebrate it, "Have a wonderful break." This was my first semester at Seton Hill. It was a pleasure being in class with you. I’m extremely impressed with the intelligence and maturity of all of you!
Posted by NancyGregg at November 30, 2005 11:36 PM
Just because the semester is ending does not mean that you won't be able to blog anymore - you will have your blog as long as you remain a SHU student. You have great entries, don't stop!
Posted by: Mike at December 2, 2005 12:04 AM
Nancy, keep on blogging! I would love to stay in touch with you over the blogs even after the class is over. Mike is right, you are a wonderful blogger. =)
Posted by: Leslie Rodriguez at December 2, 2005 2:54 AM