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November 30, 2005

The Associated Press Stylebook

After today’s class, I thought the AP Stylebook could be a course by itself. Conforming to the news writing punctuation standards is like learning a new language. For instance, I never would have checked on the proper way to punctuate a book, play, or movie. I just assumed they were italicized. It’s funny, because I do read the entertainment section for movie reviews but apparently never noticed. Abbreviating the states is entirely different from the post office standard that I’m used to, as well.

It’s a handy reference book, but there are times when I would not think to use it. Anything new seems strange and challenging, but eventually, I’m sure, a reporter would not have to refer to it. I wonder if blog journalists conform to AP standards.

Posted by NancyGregg at November 30, 2005 7:56 PM