Content Coverage:
Delusions of Grandeur- Frost's "After Apple Picking" shows that so called Delusions of Grandeur can be about every day things, even those far too minute to seem grand.
Close reading and I didn't get off to a very good start- undoubtedly the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship.
Close Reading Sucks- The culmination of that relationship. (with a little bit of humor on the side)
Freedom, Personified- My idea of the perfect way to end a poem about America. (or anything, for that matter)
Symbolism: Helpful or Hurtful to a Story?- A slightly more controversial look at the use and interpretation of symbolism in literature.
Characterization- Robert's takes a look at the important role characterization plays in a story.
The Great Gatsby- This entry talks about how the elusiveness of the main character serves to make him more mysterious.
Gatsby: The Finale- Gatsby conceptualizes the great American dream, allowing Nick to make some painful realizations about life and humanity.
In Depth Blogging: These are entries in which I do more than just pose a question or skim the surface of a piece of literature. Unfortunately, at the time I wrote them, I didn't realize that "in depth" meant that they needed to be linked to outside information. Because of this, these may not be quite what Dr. Jerz was looking for, though linked entries can be expected in the near future.
An All Too True American Caricature- Elmer L. Rice presents a scathing commentary on American Society.
A Tale of Two Ages- Here I give my oppinion on the worth of a certain quote in Fitzgerald's "Bernice Bobs Her Hair."
Gatsby: Part the Second- Covers the issue of Gatsby (as a representation of humanity) creating a new life to match his preconcieved notion of himself.
Discussion and Timeliness: This may sound slightly cocky, but I feel that pretty much every entry I've written, especially those on the short stories and The Great Gatsby have been used to spark discussions in class. This isn't quite as big of an achievement as it sounds though, as our class only has four people, enabling almost everyones blogging topics to be discussed. Be this as it may, I do feel that my entries and topics were a significant catalyst to disscussion during almost every class period.
On top of this, my blog has recieved a few comments outside of class, helping, letting me know that people were interested in what I was saying. Though there weren't very many written comments, I believe the abundance of in class discussions my writings sparked more than make up for this.
Comment Primo- Onilee Smith "Great Gatsby chpts 1-3"
Comment Primo/ Link Gracious: Jason Pugh- "Symbolism, A personal Favorite"
Comment Grande- Jennifer Difulvio "Who's the Fool?"
Wildcard Entry:
Getting the Boot-An informative work on buying your way out of tickets from the campus police.