May 2006 Archives

This poem sucked. Seriously. I've heard alot of mumbo jumbo about how it's the style that makes it good, but it doesn't. Nothing could make it good, with the possible exception of a large dose of Chuck Norris. Frost wonders if the world will end with fire or ice, but the obvious answer is neither. The world will end with a single round house kick to the face. Chuck Norris invented fire and water, and so even if the world did end because of them, it would still be his fault.
One day, Chuck Norris went looking for a bar but couldn't find one. He walked to a vacant lot and sat there. Sure enough within an hour an a half someone constructed a bar around him. He then ordered a shot, drank it, and then burned the place to the ground. Chuck Norris yelled over the roar of the flames, "always leave things the way you found em!" This is how the poem should have ended. And then Frost should have been roundhouse kicked.

Chuck Norris doesn't believe in Germany.

I've been thinking about it, and you know what I realized? There really isn't anyone cooler than me. Anywhere. Somebody tried to be cooler than me once and I ran himover with a truck. I didn't even let them have a proper burial, just to prove my point. My roomate tried to be cooler than me for a while, but then one day I poisoned his food and stabbed him in the foot. He should have known better.

This one time I decided I was going to play poker with some guys, and I lost because I have a horrible poker face. Just kidding, I won by default because I'm the coolest guy ever. People should really just elect me Grand High Ruler of the Universe and get it over with. Seriously. If I was ruler of the universe, everyone would spend 8 hours a day in Ninja training, and the other 22 watching Chuck Norris movies. Also, there would be 30 hours in a day.

People don't realize exactly how cool I am.

P.S.- What's Helen Keller's favorite color?

Chuck Norris!


Blog Portfolio Two

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And...The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...

Racism, Symbolism, and O'Connor- A short discussion on how Flannery O'Connor uses racism and symbolism to further her main points in "The Artificial Nigger."

The Misfit and Other Lovable Characters-- A look at O'Connors imperfect characters in "A Good Man is Hard to Find."

O'Connor and Language-Flannery O'Connor's use of descriptive language helps to effectively develop her characters.

God Smites Shiftlet- My thoughts on O'Connors craziest work.

The Politics of Water
-Here I talk about how my Politics of the 60's class gave me useful insights into the book "The Color of Water."

A Stroke of Good Fortune?- A question concerning O'Connor's unusual view of death.

O'Connor on Hubris- A discussion of a tragic flaw in "The Temple of the Holy Ghost."

A Prayer of Thanksgiving
- A look at Mrs. Cope, one of Flannery O'Connor's characters who is constantly burdened by giving thanks.

Foreshadowing at its Finest- O'Connor's use of foreshadowing is all but perfect in "A Late Encounter With The Enemy."

Deception and Flannery O'Connor- A look at Biblical deception in "Good Country People."

Imagery and O'Connor Part the Second-Another look at O'Connor's masterful use of imagery, this time in "The Displaced Person."

Fire and Ice? Or a Swift Roundhouse Kick to the Face?
- Frost or Norris? An objective poetry analysis.

Wildcard- I'm pretty much amazing.

Xenoblogging Comments:

Comments on my blog

My Comments on the Blogs of Others

Chuck Norris has the greatest poker face of all-time. In fact, it helped him win the 1983 world series of poker despite him holding just a 2 of clubs, a 7 and 5 of spades, a green number 4 from Uno and a monopoly 'get out of jail free' card.

I know I’ve already discussed the imagery of Flannery O’Connor in a previous blog entry, but after reading “The Displaced Person,” I have no choice but to go back and re-open the issue. In a surprising coup, O’Connor outdoes herself by writing a paragraph of what is perhaps the most intense, amazing imagery I have ever read:
“He had jumped into the tree and his tail hung in front of her, full of fierce planets with eyes that were each ringed in green and set against a sun that was gold in one seconds light and salmon-colored in the next. She might have been looking at a map of the universe but she didn’t realize it any more than she did the spots of sky that cracked the dull green of the tree.”
Maybe it’s just because when I was little I loved anything that has to do with space, but for some reason or other the imagery in that paragraph appealed to me more than everything else in O’Connor’s works combined. If I’ve ever come across a perfect piece of prose, this is undoubtedly it. Maybe I won’t remember a single story of Flannery’s when I grow older, but there is no doubt in my mind that I will never forget that single paragraph.
Corny, I know. But it needed to be said.

As in many of O’Connor’s works, “Good Country People” is a story in which people, or more specifically one character, is not what he seems. Throughout the course of the story we see Manley Pointer as a good, innocent man, as close to perfect as we’ve yet seen in any of Flannery’s stories. I mean come on, the guys a bible salesman, how bad can he really be? Pointer’s persona carries on far into the story, and he even manages to win over the heart of the cold, angry individual that is Hulga.
Right up until the end it seems to the reader that Hulga is going to be the one to seduce and take advantage of Manley, until right at the very last moment the tables turn, and the reader realizes that Manley is rather depraved and only wants Hulga for her wooden leg. The story culminates when he steals this leg and leaves her stranded in the loft of a barn, immediately transferring Hulga from being the aggressor to being the victim.
It seems to me that perhaps this sudden change is what O’Connor was going for, and that through deception she wants us to realize that Good can masquerade as Evil just as easily as Evil can imitate Good.

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