Truth is in...someone else's eyes?

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"Truth is in the eye of the beholder." That is a pretty famous quote. I don't know who said it, not many people do, probably. Foster kind of hits on this point. He says that "If you're going to understand the ladies, and the meal, and the story, you have to read through the eyes that are not your own, eyes that, while not those of Aunts Kate and Julia, can take in the meaning of the meal they have provided." Foster says this to show us that we have to look at a story through someone that is living in that time period. For example, if we were reading Grapes of Wrath, again, it would make it much easier to read and understand the story and the struggle of the Joads. I read the story just to get through it. I have read it before and hated it the same. Now knowing how to read stories, how to put myself into them will make reading alot easier, but how do I teach myself to do that? 

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