Start-up budgeting: Football

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By Amanda Cochran,
News Editor

Start-up costs drove the Seton Hill University (SHU) Griffins football team's budget to nearly $300,000 this year, Head Football Coach Chris Snyder said.�

SHU students responded in disbelief to the figure, while others understood the team�s expenses.�

"I can't believe they're getting that much money," said Bob Lane, senior.

�Football equipment is expensive,� said Jasmin Sadikovic, sophomore. �Idon�t think they went overboard.�

Snyder claimed the�budget will drop next year to�below the $100,000 mark because the initial costs�have already been met.�

A�seven-man sled with a pricetag of $8,000 was the most expensive item, Snyder said.� In addition a $2,000 two-man sled and bags and dummies, worth $5,000, were purchased this year.�
"We are trying to put Seton Hill on a level playing field with other schools of our size," Snyder said. "That's why our budget's higher this year--start-up costs."�

Football costs also include away game expenses.�The first away game to Urbana, Ohio, cost�around $5,000 of football budget funds, which included a hotel stay, three meals and bus transport for the 55 to 60 players that travel to away games.�Snyder said away game expenses range from $1,000 to $5,000. �

"We are conscious of cost," Snyder said, referring to the team's traveling�expenditures.�
Snyder�believes SHU was justified in bringing football to�its campus.�"Look at the revenue that all these football players bring to Seton Hill," he said. "We bring in more money than we put out."�

Holly Sines, sophomore, believes the financial focus of the university�has shifted from tradition.�"We used to be focused on other things.� It (SHU)�used to be a school for liberal arts and now we're a school for football," she said. "It's a joke and it makes me mad."

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