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March 28, 2006
Reader-Response v. Reflection?
Roberts, Appendix A -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)
"What does this work mean to me, in my present intellectual and moral makeup? What particular aspects of my life can help me understand and appreciate the work?"
Along with several other questions this type of criticism requires, my question is how do you separate this type from a reflection style paper. O'Connor's stories I think force us to look at our own lives, especially with faith and religion. My question is how do you make sure it a critical thought rather than just a reflection of your life?
Posted by Shanelle Evkovich at March 28, 2006 11:08 AM
Reader response is really trying to grasp the message that the author is sending to the audience. It is very important to differentiate between making a relation to the characters or author, and critically thinking about the society, setting, or conflict that is associated with the text. It's not that our thoughts are not important, but more or less their thoughts in the respective time period are more important because it reflects the issues in that society.
Posted by: Jason Pugh at May 3, 2006 09:47 PM