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March 19, 2006

Demonstartive Essay

Demonstrative Research Essay -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

(Note: This blog is being submitted late because of medical reasons, I would still appreciate any feedback that anyone would like to contribute toward it. Thanks.)

"The film does not explore the 'greatness' of the hero, however, but rather exposes him as a misquided, unhappy person who tries to buy love and manipulate reality. All aspects of this picture-characterization, structure, and technique- are focused on this goal."

This essay in Roberts provides a good example to follow when writing our 2nd paper. I like how the author states his central idea and thesis in a very detailed and specific manner. The rest of the essay then follows up on supporting his main idea. The essay is constructed in an excellent organized structure and each paragraph begins with a topic sentence that ties the paragraph into the paper while highlighting the whole purpose of the work. This is going to be a good help during my journey of writing paper 2!

Posted by TerraStumpf at March 19, 2006 07:28 PM


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