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March 19, 2006
Roberts, Chapter 18
Roberts, Ch 18 -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)
(Note: This blog is being submitted late due to medical reasons, I would still appreciate any feedback that anyone would like to post! Thanks.)
"For Such assignments, it is helpful to know the types of research essays you might find most congenial. Here are some possibilities."
Then after this quote it lists five different types of essays that could be used for a research essay. I found this to e very helpful because the different ideas give you a better idea on how exactly to go about writing your research essay and what different ways you could do so. It took the way I was thinking about hte research essay "out of the box" and explored different ways of writing it rather than just about an author.
Posted by TerraStumpf at March 19, 2006 07:41 PM