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April 10, 2006

Chp 12

Roberts, Ch. 12 -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

"...never find proofs, so your conclusions will not be PROOVED in the way you prove triangles congruen in geometry."

Ha. Good because I do not like math! Anyways, this is a good quote from Roberts chapter 12 because it makes you realize that when coming up with a good problem to write about does not mean that you have to proove or correctly answer your problem. You do however have to put up a good argument followed by supporting information somewhat like in science when trying to support a hypothesis. The stratigies given in chapter 12 on how to write about a problem give an author different options to choose from in presenting a problem in writing. I do not think that I am very fond of strategy two because it seems like it would be a redudant form of writing that would bore me after a while. Strategy one seems to be the strategy that I would use if writing a paper focused around a problem. It iseems like it s a more conventional style of writing like I am used to.

Posted by TerraStumpf at April 10, 2006 06:03 PM


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