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May 03, 2006

Final Portfolio

Final Portfolio

All of the Blogs listen underneath show my coverage in blogging about each reading. Every blog was posted in a timely manner and there are a few that were not because of illness-this is noted inside of those individual blogs. Most of the blogging I did after the first portfolio was in much more detail and shows my improvement in my critical thinking and communicating those thoughts.
A Good Man is Hard to Find
The River
The Life you Save May be your Own
Roberts Chapter 18
A Stroke of Good Fortune
Demonstrative Essay
Temple of the Holy Ghost
The Artifical Nigger
Appendix A
A Circle in the FIre
A Late Encounter with the Enemy
Good Country People
The Displaced Person
Frost and Hughes
Roberts Chapter 12
Roberts Chapter 17
Ressurection Blues

Blogging in Depth
A Good Man is Hard to Find
The River
A Stroke of Good Fortune
Temple of the Holy Ghost

Interaction/ Discussion Blogging
Comment to Brenda about A Stroke of Good Fortune
Comment to Chris about A stroke of Good Fortune
Comment to Brenda on Temple of the Holy Ghost

Comment to Brenda on the Temple of the Holy Ghost

Posted by TerraStumpf at 10:38 PM | Comments (0)

Ressurection Blues

Miller, Resurrection Blues (to be published in February) -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

Since the site was down, no one blogged on time for this reading. But in class we had an excellent discussion. I commented on how I felt Henry and Felix were like two women fighting to get in what they wanted to say to eachother. Their entire conversation consists of jumping from one topic to the next and sometimes returning back to a taopic that they hadnt been talking about for a while. I could just vision the two men talking to eachother this way in the play and think that it would be absolutley histerical!

Posted by TerraStumpf at 10:11 PM | Comments (1)

A Late Encounter with the Enemy

O'Connor, ''A Late Encounter with the Enemy'' -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

"He felt that he was running backwards and the words were coming at him like musket fire, just escaping him but getting nearer and nearer"(165).

This is a blog that I mist have missed. I am taking this quote from A late Encounter with the Enemy, because it shows a little sight into what may happen next within the story. General Sash's granddaughter wants so much to be recognized and recognized well by her grandfather that when she graduates at 62 years of age she has him dress in his uniform and then he dies. I remember in our class discussion that students were talking about O'Connor could have made it more shocking by having him Die on stage at graduation or not giving the grandaughter what she wanted by having him die before her graduation.

Posted by TerraStumpf at 09:52 PM | Comments (1)