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May 03, 2006

A Late Encounter with the Enemy

O'Connor, ''A Late Encounter with the Enemy'' -- Jerz: American Lit II (EL 267)

"He felt that he was running backwards and the words were coming at him like musket fire, just escaping him but getting nearer and nearer"(165).

This is a blog that I mist have missed. I am taking this quote from A late Encounter with the Enemy, because it shows a little sight into what may happen next within the story. General Sash's granddaughter wants so much to be recognized and recognized well by her grandfather that when she graduates at 62 years of age she has him dress in his uniform and then he dies. I remember in our class discussion that students were talking about O'Connor could have made it more shocking by having him Die on stage at graduation or not giving the grandaughter what she wanted by having him die before her graduation.

Posted by TerraStumpf at May 3, 2006 09:52 PM


Hmm, I wonder if there are any good connections to be made between General Sash and Felix from Miller's Resurrection Blues?

Posted by: ChrisU at May 3, 2006 10:28 PM

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