Ok. No one panic by my title. I really just wanted to say:
We have a new pope! This is amazing! I can't believe that we actually have a new pope. It kinda worries me though seeing as (according to a friend) this is the next to last named pope. Now I bet you are wondering what I'm talking about when I say "The Beginning of the End." Well here it is.
A friend called me this afternoon and told me to Google a thing called the Pope Prophecies. I didn't understand but my interest was piqued when he started explaining. You see he is a student at SVC and in one of his classes this afternoon his teacher (a Benedictian priest) told them about this prophecy that stated Pope Benedict XVI's reign was not going to be very long. He also said that the next pope after Benedict XVI is going to be the final pope before the start of what the Book of Revelations has stated. He also told me that Benedict XVI is going to be the last pope before WWIII. (That's right. I said World War III.)
I don't want anyone to panic. This is just a man's interpretation of Saint Malachy O'Morgair prophecies. I just think that you all should read the link above. It does prove to be some interesting reading. Personally I think that it is all a freaky coincedence. But, as they say, only time will tell.
P.S. I would just like to add that I love the new look of Moveable Type from the users perspective.
As I sit in vigil for the quiet passing of a man I have never met it makes me realize that I am not alone. I have watched, with tears in my eyes as the only pope I have ever known passes on to eternal life. Pope John Paul II has done so much for my generation and for the Church as a whole that even those that are not Catholic mourn the loss of this wonderful man. He is a man that has not had an easy life, but a life that was full of pain. He lived in Nazi Poland and survived being hit by a car, he lived through gun shot wounds, and has lived with his failing body for many years. Not only that, but he has reached out to other religions more than any other pope. He has encouraged Catholics and Jews to get to know one another and live in unity.
I sit and pray continually for his passing and for his afterlife. I also pray that following his death the College of Cardinals is guided to our next leader, but as it is said no one can be like John Paul.
For those of you who would like to see how a pope is check out my extended section.
The following is taken from a CNN special Biography.
There have been a number of methods for choosing a pope over the centuries since St. Linus, the second pope, replaced the apostle Peter -- St. Peter to Catholics -- in the year 67.
The first popes were chosen by local clergymen who lived near Rome, but kings, emperors and other interested bystanders have done what they could to influence the process as well. And there were times when those who were displeased with the outcome appointed their own man, who was known as the antipope.
But in 1059 Pope Nicholas II decreed that henceforth all papal electors must be cardinals, and in 1179 Pope Alexander III ruled that all cardinals would have an equal vote in the election.
In 1274, Pope Gregory X decided that the cardinals must meet within 10 days of a pope's death, and that they should be kept in strict seclusion until a pope was chosen.
By the late 1500s, most of the electoral procedures now used were in place.
The pope can be elected by one of three methods. A unanimous voice vote is permissible, as is the unanimous selection by the cardinals of a 9- to 15-member committee, which then must agree on a pope.
Tellers and tallies
Who's Waiting in the Wings
Potential Popes: Profiles
The most common method, however, is election by ballot, which works as follows:
When the pope dies, the dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals notifies the cardinals and calls a meeting -- always held in the morning -- that must begin no more than 20 days after the pope's death.
The cardinals draw lots to select three members to collect ballots from the infirm, three "tellers" to count the votes and three others to review the results.
Blank ballots are then prepared and distributed.
After writing the name of one man on his ballot, each of the approximately 120 active cardinals -- those under 80 years of age -- walks to an altar and pledges to perform his duty with integrity. He then places his ballot in a container which is covered by a plate.
After all votes are cast, the tellers tally the ballots and the result is read to the cardinals.
If there is no winner, another vote is taken. If there is still no winner, two more votes are scheduled for the afternoon.
After the votes are counted each time, the ballots are burned. If there has been no winner, a chemical is mixed with the ballots to produce black smoke when they are burned. Sight of the black smoke emerging from the roof of the Vatican Palace tells those waiting in St. Peter's Square that a pope has not yet been selected. When a winner has been selected, the ballots are burned alone, and the white smoke indicates there is a new pope.
Traditionally, the winner had to garner two-thirds of the vote plus one, but John Paul II changed that in 1996. He ruled that if, after 12 or 13 days there is still no winner, the conclave could invoke a rule -- by majority vote -- that would permit the selection of the pope by an absolute majority.
Once there is a winner, the pope-elect is asked if he accepts the decision. (Pope John Paul II reportedly accepted his election with tears in his eyes.) If he does, the dean asks what name he chooses and announces it to the cardinals, who then come forward to offer congratulations.
The oldest cardinal then steps out on a balcony overlooking St. Peter's Square and says to the crowd, "Habemus papam" -- "We have a pope." He then introduces the pope, who steps out on the balcony to bless Rome and the world.
Many popes have been formally installed with a coronation, but Pope John Paul II refused a coronation and was installed as the pope during a Mass in St. Peter's Square.