October 22, 2005

Restraining Kids? Now I know the British are crazy...

I know I haven't been around lately, but I just really haven't had anything that I needed to blog about. Until now that is. For one of my classes I had to sign up for the ACSD Newsbrief. The newsletter is sent through e-mail and updates educators about things that are happening in many school locally, nationally, and internationally. While most of the articles of late had been on what is happening with the education of the displaced students of the hurricane disasters, in Friday's newsbrief there was an article entitled Teachers to get legal right to restrain pupils.

Let me first give a little background in what I know as a Preservice Teacher. I have learned throughout my education courses here at Seton Hill (especially in my Classroom Management class) that many children have behavioral disorders that can be handled through good classroom management. There is a lot that can be done through teacher intervention and recognizing signs that could prevent things in the classroom.

The first line in the article states:

Teachers will be given the clear legal right to discipline unruly pupils and restrain them through the use of "reasonable force", ministers announced today.

I have one huge problem with that quote. What the heck is defined as "resonable force"? When does a teacher decide to use reasonable force? I just don't understand how this legislation in the United Kingdom will help the behavior of students improve. It seems to me that this will only cause the students to get more rowdy and become more out of control. For instance, if a male student is in a highly aggitated state he is going to become a hazard to himself and to the rest of the class and teacher. I just don't understand how the teachers can welcome this change like they do in the article.

Ruth Kelly, the education secretary did state that:

Poor behaviour will not simply disappear because there is legislation for it. Heads and teachers must use these new powers with the backing of parents - only then can we make good behaviour the norm in every classroom.

I'm curious as to what you all think on this matter. I know I'm not going to get a lot of response because I haven't blogged in a really long time, but I feel better knowing that I have at least stated my opinion on this matter.

Posted by Tiffany Brattina at 6:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack